back weld 封底焊道...tack weld 间断焊;临时点焊;定位焊...weld n.焊接处,焊接vt.焊接,使...butt weld 对头焊接对接焊缝;对头焊接...actual throat of fillet weld 填角熔接的实际斜厚...weld thermal cycle 焊接热循环...back of weld 焊缝背面...weld time 焊接通电时间...weld bead 焊珠...weld line 熔接部接合线...weld all around 围焊...butt weld ends 对头焊接端...face of weld 焊面;焊接面;焊缝表面;焊缝外...weld length 熔接长度...weld penetration 焊透深度...edge weld 端面焊缝;端接焊缝;对边焊...chain intermittent filet weld 并列断续角焊缝...staggered intermittent weld 交错间断焊...unload weld 非承载焊缝...weld bead height 焊缝高度...weld(ing) defect 焊接缺陷...