void before the fact void before the fact怎么读,什么意思。当初无效,自始无效,事前无效... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 610 【法】 当初无效, 自始无效, 事前无效在线英汉词典
void n.空虚,空间,空白,空隙,空...packing void fraction 填料空隙度;填料层空隙度...absolutely void 根本无效,绝对无效...void volume 空隙容积;空隙率...void and voidable marriage 无效且可作废的婚姻...virtual void declarer 虚无值说明词...void after the fact 事后无效...null and void vote 废票,无效票决...void item 空白项...void and voidable 无效甚至可以作废的...void act 无效行为...void for uncertainty 因不明确而无效...vanish into the void 化为乌有,消失得无影无踪...void value 无值...void ratio 孔隙比...void sequence bit 不排序位...null and void 无效的作废无效...void a check 使支票无效...void in part 一部无效,部分无效...void relation 空白关系...one being accomplished the others to stand void 其中一份(提单)生效后,其余无...