valuation of goods for g/a valuation of goods for g/a怎么读,什么意思。共同海损货物估价单... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 700 【经】 共同海损货物估价单在线英汉词典
fair valuation 合理估价...valuation n.评价,估价,价值判断估价,...valuation at net selling price 售价估价(计价)法...valuation charge 从价运费,从价收费...valuation models 计价模式...accounting valuation 会计估价...valuation at cost or market 成本与市价孰低估价法...valuation of inventory 存货估价(计价)...valuation accounts 估价帐户,计价帐户...valuation basis 估价(计价)基础...valuation concept 估价(计价)观念...valuation form 货物估值单...valuation of joint product 联产品估价(计价)...valuation profit or loss 损益估价(计价)...valuation allowances 计价备抵,估价备抵...valuation method of depreciation 估价折旧法...valuation convention 估价(计价)惯例...valuation clause 估价(计价)条款...valuation of enterprise 企业评价...valuation of goodwill 商誉估值...valuation at cost 成本估价(计价)...