torque coil magnetometer torque coil magnetometer怎么读,什么意思。转矩线圈磁强计... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 590 【电】 转矩线圈磁强计在线英汉词典
Y-torque bar Y形支秆,Y形转矩秆...torque-to-inertia 转矩惯性比...static torque 静力矩...effective torque 有效扭矩...anti-torque rotor 尾部旋翼...torque rod 扭矩杆,受扭转力的杆...torque n.扭转力,转矩,项圈转矩扭力...ball bearing torque test of greases 润滑脂滚珠轴承扭矩试验(测定润...synchro-torque receiver 同步转矩接收器...running torque 移动力矩...torque tube 扭矩拉条,扭矩管...torque arm 转矩臂...torque converter 扭力转换器...angle of torque 扭转角...torque response 扭转反应...torque balance converter 恒矩换流器...torque of an instrument 仪器的转矩...torque stay 扭矩拉条,扭矩管...torque gradient 转矩梯度...torque amplifier 转矩放大器...synchronous torque 同步转短...