too far north 精明的,不会受骗的...Too many cooks spoil the broth 人多反误事...too much 太多,太高...too much for 太多,太难...too much for sb's strength 非某人力所能及的...too much of a good thing 好事过头反成坏事...Too much water drowned the miller 物极必反...too too 简直太...too-too ad.过分地,矫柔造作地a.过 half 可太...啦 太...以致不能......toodle-oo interj.再见...took take的过去式...tool n.工具,机床,傀儡vt.用工...tool adjustment 校准工具...tool angel 刀具,工具...tool angle 刀角...tool apron 刀座...tool bar 工具栏刀杆...tool bogie 工具车...tool box 工具箱,工具组...