


vt. 想, 考虑, 想起, 想像, 打算, 认为
vi. 思考, 料想
n. 想法
a. 思想的
think to oneself
think oneself silly
think oneself into a dilemma
think no harm in doing sth
think fit to do sth
think much of
think little of
think long
think of A as B
What do you think of...?
think no end of
to think big
think twice
think aloud
think better of
not think much of
think nothing of
think nothing of it
think on
think out
think sth over
think sth through
think sth up


think v (pt, pp thought ) 1 [I, Ipr]~ (about sth) use the mind in an active way to form connected ideas 想; 思索; 思考
Are animals able to think? 动物能思考吗?
Think before you act, ie Do not act hastily or rashly. 先思而後行.
Let me think a moment, ie Give me time to think before I answer. 让我考虑一下.
He may not say much but he thinks a lot. 别看他说得不多, 但他想得很多.
Do you think in English or translate mentally from your own language? 你是用英语思考呢, 还是在头脑中把自己的语言翻译过来呢?
You´re very quiet what are you thinking (about)? 你静静的不出声, 想什麽呢? 2 [Tf, Tw no passive 不用於被动语态, Cn.t esp passive 尤用於被动语态, Cn.a, Cn.n] have as an idea or opinion; consider 认为; 以为
`Do you think (that) it´s going to rain?´ `Yes, I think so.´ `你认为会下雨吗?'`我想可能下.'
`It´s going to rain, I think.´ `Oh, I don´t think so.´ `我看快要下雨了.'`嗳, 我看下不了.'
I think you´re very brave. 我认为你很勇敢.
I think this is their house but I´m not sure. 我想这是他们家, 但不敢肯定.
Do you think it likely/that it is likely? 你认为这事可能吗?
I thought I heard a scream. 我好像听到了一声尖叫.
What do you think she´ll do now? 现在你认为她要干什麽?
Who do you think you are? ie Why are you behaving in this overbearing, etc way? 你以为你很了不起吗?
a species long thought to be extinct 早就认为已经灭绝的种类
He´s thought to be one of the richest men in Europe. 人们认为他是欧洲最大的富翁之一.
You must think me very silly. 你准认为我很蠢.
Some people think him a possible future champion. 有些人认为他可能是未来的冠军. 3 [Tf] have or form as an intention or plan 有意; 打算; 计画
I think I´ll go for a swim. 我想游泳去.
It is thought that the Prime Minister will visit Moscow next month. 据估计首相於下月访问莫斯科. 4 [Tw no passive 不用於被动语态] (used in negative sentences with can/could 用於否定句, 与can/could连用) form an idea of; imagine 料想; 想像
I can´t think what you mean. 我想像不出你是什麽意思.
We couldn´t think where she´d gone to. 我们想不出来她到哪里去了.
You can´t `think how glad I am to see you! 你无法想像我见到你有多高兴! 5 [Tw no passive 不用於被动语态] take into consideration; reflect 考虑; 深思; 细想
Think how nice it would be to see them again. 想想能再次见到他们该有多好哇.
I was just thinking (to myself) what a long way it is. 我刚才还在琢磨著这条路多长啊. 6 [Tn, Tf, Tt] expect (sth) 预料到, 料想到(某事)
Who´d have thought it? eg of a surprising event 谁能料到有这样的事呢?
I never thought (that) I´d see her again. 我从未想到还能见到她.
Who would havethought to find you here? 谁能料到你在这儿呢? 7 [I, Tn](infml 口 esp US) direct one´s thoughts in a certain manner or to (a subject) 朝某一方面想; 专想(某件事)
Let´s think positive. 我们往好的方面想想吧.
If you want to make money you´ve got to think money. 你要是想赚钱, 脑子里就得想著钱. 8 (idm 习语) I `thought as much that is what I expected or suspected 我就是这麽想的; 果然不出我所料. see/think fit => fit1. ,think a`gain reconsider the situation and change one´s idea or intention 重新考虑情况并改变想法或意图
If you think I´m going to lend you my car you can think again!你要是以为我能把汽车借给你, 你还是另打主意吧! think a`loud express one´s thoughts as they occur 边想边说出声来; 自言自语. think better of (doing) sth decide against (doing) sth after thinking further about it (深思後)决定不采纳某事物或不做某事. think (all) the better of sb have a higher opinion of sb 对某人有更高的评价. think nothing `of it (used as a polite response to apologies, thanks, etc 用作回应道歉、 感谢等的客气话). think nothing of sth/doing sth consider(doing) sth to be normal and not particularly unusual认为(做)某事很平常、 不特殊
She thinks nothing of walking thirty miles a day. 她觉得一天走三十英里无所谓. think twice about sth/doing sth think carefully before deciding to do sth 认真考虑後再决定做某事
You should think twice about employing someone you´ve never met. 你要雇用素未谋面的人应三思而行. think the world, highly, a lot, not much, poorly, little, etc of sb/sth (not used in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) have a good, poor, etc opinion of sb/sth对某人[某事物]评价高、 不高等
His work is highly thought of by the critics. 他的作品深受评论家推崇.
I don´t think much of my new teacher. 我认为我们的新老师不怎麽样. 9 (phr v) think about sb/sth (a) reflect upon sb/sth; recall sb/sth 回想或想起某人[某事]
Do you ever think about your childhood? 你是否回忆过童年的事? (b) take sb/sth into account; consider sb/sth 考虑到某人[某事物]
Don´t you ever think about other people? 你从来就不考虑考虑别人吗?
All he ever thinks about is money. 他想的只是钱. think about sth/doing sthconsider or examine sth to see if it is desirable, practicable,etc 考虑或盘算某事(看是否可取、 可行等)
I´ll think about it and let you know tomorrow. 我要把这事仔细想想, 明天再给你回话.
She´s thinking about changing her job. 她正考虑要换个工作. think n (infml 口) 1 [sing] act of thinking 思索; 思考; 考虑
I´d better have a think before I decide. 我最好还是先想想再做决定. 2 (idm 习语) have(got) another think coming must revise one´s opinions,plans, etc; be forced to think again 必须修改个人的意见、 计画等; 不得不重新考虑
If you think I´m going to pay all your bills you´ve got another think coming. 你要是以为我会替你付清帐单, 你还是再琢磨琢磨去吧.





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