the year of our redemption... the year of our redemption...怎么读,什么意思。耶酥纪元...年,公元...年... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 510 耶酥纪元...年, 公元...年在线英汉词典
the yeas and nays 赞成票和反对票...the yellow races 黄色人种...the yellowing leaves 变黄的叶子...the yellows 黄疸...the Yellowstone National Park 黄石公园...the yoke of brotherhood 不可分的兄弟关系...the young 青年们...the youth of the country 国家的年青一代...the youth of the world 世界的初期,太古,古代...the Zaire 扎伊尔河,刚果河 be 未来的......thea 茶...Thea japonica 山茶...Thea nigra 红茶...Thea oleirera 油茶...Thea sinensis 茶...Thea sinensis var. assamica 普洱茶...Thea viridis 绿茶...Theaceae 茶科...theaism 茶中毒...theamin 茶胺...