the devil on two sticks 空竹...The devil takes the hindmost 落后者吃亏...the devil to pay 极大麻烦...the devil's advocate 为争辨而故意持不同意见...The die is cast 木已成舟...The early bird gets the worm 捷足先登...the elderly 老年人,长者...The end justifies the means 为了正当目的可以不择手段...the fall of the leaf 秋天...the fashions of yesterday 近来流行式样...The fat is in the fire 闯祸了...the financial year 财政年度,会计年度...the first thing 首先,在尽可能早的时刻...the fiscal year 财政年度,会计年度...the Flood 大洪水...the flow of soul 推心置腹的交流...the former 前者...the four corners 十字路口,全部范围...the fruit of the womb 子女...The game is up 一切都完了...the gate of horn 应验的梦兆...