the accused 被告...the all and the one 全部,整体...the alpha and omega 始终,全部...The anchor has come home 尽管采取预防措施事情还是失败了...the Arab Republic of Yemen 阿拉伯也门共和国...The ass waggeth his ears 傻瓜装聪明...the assembly resolved that... 大会决议...the beginning of the end 预示结局的先兆...The best fish smell when they are three days old 再好的鱼三天也要变臭...the best of the joke 最令人发笑的一点...the best part 最大的部分...the best part of... 大部分的......the better part 较好的办法,较好的计策,较大的...the better part of... 大半......the big lie 弥天大谎,不断重复谎言以骗取人...the biggest toad in the puddle 要人...The black ox has trod on sb.'s foot 灾祸临头...The boot is on the other leg 事实正相反...the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker 各行各业的人...The cap fits 恰如其分...The cards are in sb.'s hands 某人有成功的把握...