


n. 条件, 条款, 费用, 价钱, 关系, 地位, 交谊
【经】 条件
be on speaking terms
think in terms of
bring sb to terms
eat one's terms
in terms of
keep terms with sb
make terms
not on any terms
on friendly terms
on equal terms
be on first-name terms with sb
meet sb on equal terms
in no uncertain terms
in plain terms
not on borrowing terms
on easy terms
on one's own terms
be on good terms with sb
be on bad terms with sb


terms n [pl] 1 (a) conditions offered or accepted (提出的或接受的)条件: peace terms 和平条件
according to the terms of the contract 按照合同的条件. (b) payment offered or asked (付出的或索要的)报酬, 代价
hire-purchase on easy terms 优惠的分期付款
enquire about terms for renting a house 询问租房子的价钱. 2 way of expressing oneself 表达方式; 措辞; 说法
protest in the strongest terms 以最强硬的措词抗议
He referred to your work in terms of high praise/in flattering terms. 他对你的工作大加赞扬[大捧特捧]. 3 (idm 习语) be on good, friendly, bad, etc `terms (with sb) have a good, etc relationship 关系好、 密切、 不好等
I didn´t know you and she were on such intimate terms, ie were such close friends. 我不知道你和她关系这麽密切. be on speaking terms => speak. come to terms (with sb) reach an agreement 达成协议. come to terms with sth reconcile oneself to sth; learn to accept sth 使自己顺从某事物; 设法忍受某事物
come to terms with her handicap 安於她自己的困难处境
You´ll just have to come to terms with the fact that... 你不得不接受的现实情况是.... in no uncertain terms => uncertain.in terms of sth; in sth terms as regards sth; expressedas sth 在某事物方面; 以某说法来表达
Think of it in terms of an investment. 从投资的角度来考虑那件事.
The figures are expressed in terms of a percentage/in percentage terms. 那些数字是以百分数表示的. on equal terms => equal. on one´s own/sb´s terms on conditions that one/sb else decides 按个人[他人]决定的条件.





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