n. 群, 大群, 蜂群, 分蜂群
vi. 分群, 群集, 聚集一块, 云集, 攀
vt. 挤满, 爬, 攀
【医】 丛集, 群集
swarm n 1 large number of insects, birds, etc moving around together, esp bees following a queen bee (昆虫、 鸟类等移动中的)大群; (尤指跟随一蜂王的)蜂群
a swarm of ants, starlings, locusts, etc 一大群蚂蚁、 椋鸟、 蝗虫等. 2 (often pl 常作复数) (unpleasantly) large number of people; crowd (令人反感的)大群人; 人群
swarms of children in the park 公园里一帮一伙的儿童. swarm, v 1 [I] (of bees) move around in a swarm, esp following a queen bee (指蜜蜂)成群飞行(尤指随一蜂王). 2 (a) [Ipr, Ip] move in large numbers (in the specified direction) 大群地(朝某方向)移动
The guests swarmed round the tables where the food was set out. 客人聚集到摆好饭菜的餐桌周围.
The crowd was swarming out through the gates. 人群一窝蜂地从出口涌出. (b) [I] be present in (unpleasantly) large numbers 聚集(而拥挤不堪)
crowds swarming in the streets 街上拥挤不堪的人群. 3 (phr v) swarm with sb/sth (of a place) be (unpleasantly) crowded with or full of (people or things) (指地方)挤满或到处是(人或物)
The beach was swarming with bathers. 海滩上挤满了游泳的人.
The stables swarmed with flies. 马厩里到处都是苍蝇. swarm v (phr v) swarm down/up sth climb down/up sth by holding on with the hands and feet 用手和脚附著某物往下[上]爬; 爬下[上]某物
swarm down a rope, up a tree 缘绳而下、 爬上树.
n. 群, 大群, 蜂群, 分蜂群
vi. 分群, 群集, 聚集一块, 云集, 攀
vt. 挤满, 爬, 攀
【医】 丛集, 群集
swarm n 1 large number of insects, birds, etc moving around together, esp bees following a queen bee (昆虫、 鸟类等移动中的)大群; (尤指跟随一蜂王的)蜂群
a swarm of ants, starlings, locusts, etc 一大群蚂蚁、 椋鸟、 蝗虫等. 2 (often pl 常作复数) (unpleasantly) large number of people; crowd (令人反感的)大群人; 人群
swarms of children in the park 公园里一帮一伙的儿童. swarm, v 1 [I] (of bees) move around in a swarm, esp following a queen bee (指蜜蜂)成群飞行(尤指随一蜂王). 2 (a) [Ipr, Ip] move in large numbers (in the specified direction) 大群地(朝某方向)移动
The guests swarmed round the tables where the food was set out. 客人聚集到摆好饭菜的餐桌周围.
The crowd was swarming out through the gates. 人群一窝蜂地从出口涌出. (b) [I] be present in (unpleasantly) large numbers 聚集(而拥挤不堪)
crowds swarming in the streets 街上拥挤不堪的人群. 3 (phr v) swarm with sb/sth (of a place) be (unpleasantly) crowded with or full of (people or things) (指地方)挤满或到处是(人或物)
The beach was swarming with bathers. 海滩上挤满了游泳的人.
The stables swarmed with flies. 马厩里到处都是苍蝇. swarm v (phr v) swarm down/up sth climb down/up sth by holding on with the hands and feet 用手和脚附著某物往下[上]爬; 爬下[上]某物
swarm down a rope, up a tree 缘绳而下、 爬上树.