statement of particulars statement of particulars怎么读,什么意思。情节详细的诉状... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 300 【法】 情节详细的诉状在线英汉词典
abort statement 中止语句...abnormal statement 异常语句...year-to-year comparison of financial statement 财务报表的逐年比较...abstract statement 摘要说明表...accounting statement 会计报表(告)...daily statement 日报表...account form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益表...unconditional GO TO statement 无条件转向语句...wait statement 等待语句...labour statement 人工报表,劳动报表...valid statement 有效语句...abusive statement 侮辱性陈述...add statement 加法语句...accounts of source and application of funds statement 资金来源与运用表...account form of income statement 帐户式收益表...objective statement 用途别费用报表...adjusted statement of application of funds 调整后的资金运用表...judge's statement on decision 法官的判决陈词...labelled statement 标号语句...DATA statement 数据初值语句...unaudited statement 未经审计(核)的报表...