stand a show
stand a show怎么读,什么意思。一线机会...
标签: stand a show,用法,音标,短语
- stand n.站立,站住,停顿,讲台,看...
- stand-up a.站立的,直立的...
- stand for 代表,代替,象征,支持,担任....
- take a stand for sth 表示赞成某事...
- stand on 站立在...上...
- a stand of colors 军旗...
- stand by 支持,遵守,袖手旁观,准备行动...
- stand-by 备用设备,准备,备用备用的;储...
- stand for sth 代表,代替,象征,意味着,主张...
- stand-by mode 备用状态备用方案...
- take a stand against sth 表示反对某事...
- stand firm 屹立不动,不让步...
- unattended stand-by time 非工作时间,空闲时间...
- stand first on the list 居首位...
- stand over 延期,监督延缓,展期,悬而未决...
- stand the gaff 有胆量...
- take the stand 站在证人席上作证...
- stand alone 独一无二...
- to stand aghast at sth 被(某事)吓呆...
- weighted switch stand 附锤转辙器...
- appear and stand 到庭候审...