stage n.阶段,舞台,场所,戏剧,站...A-stage resin 甲阶树脂;甲阶酚醛树脂;可熔(...a stage A阶树脂...B-stage resin 乙阶树脂;乙阶酚醛树脂;半熔(...b stage B阶...zooglea stage 菌胶团期...object stage 载片台...C-stage phenolic resin 丙阶段酚醛树脂酚醛树脂C;不熔...acid-stage oil 酸性油...amplification stage 放大级...d-c inserter stage 直流插入级 stage 进行期,活动期...quiescent stage 静息期...knauel stage 染色质纽,丝球...take-off stage 起飞阶段...c stage resin 丙阶酚醛树脂...advancde stage of cracking 深度裂化阶段...triple-stage quadrupole mass spectrometer 三节四极质谱仪...quit the stage 退出舞台...warm stage 保温台(显微镜)...two-stage pneumatic-conveyor dryer 两段气流输送干燥器;两级气流输...