split off from sb
split off from sb怎么读,什么意思。和某人决裂...
标签: split off from sb,用法,音标,短语
- split n.劈开,裂片,裂缝,分裂,派...
- I/P split 指令/数据分离...
- Vaughan's split products 伏恩氏分裂产物...
- adjustable round split die 可调整圆形开口螺模...
- split personality 分裂人格人格分裂...
- split catalog 分类目录...
- split pin 开口销...
- vote the split ticket 投几个党候选人的票兼投一个党以...
- split-hair a.极精确的,琐碎的...
- split-level a.错层式的...
- split screen 分区屏幕,多窗口屏幕...
- lickety-split ad.全速地,极快地a.敏捷的...
- vertical split casing 垂直剖分式机壳...
- split shipment 均分装运,分开来装运...
- capacitor split phase motor 电容分相电动机...
- remove split 删除窗口分割...
- split the difference 妥协,折中妥协,折中,相互让步...
- run like split 飞奔...
- split-hand 手裂,裂手...
- split-off n.分裂...
- split on an accomplice 告发同案犯...