


n. 南方, 南
a. 南的, 向南的
ad. 在南方
vi. 转向南方
go south with sth


south n 1 [U] (abbr 缩写 S, US also So) one of the four main points of the compass, on the right of a person facing the rising sun 南; 南方
South is opposite north on a compass. 罗盘上南与北是相对的. Cf 参看 east, north, west. 2 [U, sing] this direction, or any part of the earth lying in this direction 南面; 南边
The window faces south. 窗子朝南.
The wind is in (ie blowing from) the south today. 今天刮南风.
The town is to the south of (ie situated further south than) London. 那镇位於伦敦南面. 3 the South [sing] (a) part of a country further south than the rest; southern part or region 国家的南方; 南部; 南部地区
have a holiday in the South of France 在法国南部度假
He came to the South to look for a job. 他到南方来找工作. (b) south-eastern states of the US 美国的东南各州. south (also South), adj [attrib 作定语] 1 in, near, towards or at the south 南方的; 在南方的; 近南部的; 向南的; 在南侧的: South Wales 南威尔士
South America 南美洲
the South Pacific 南太平洋
grow roses on a south wall 贴著南墙种玫瑰
on the south coast 在南岸. 2 (of a wind) coming from the south (指风)南来的
a south wind 南风. south, adv 1 to or towards the south 到南方; 向南
go south out of town 出城向南走
birds flying south for winter 飞到南方过冬的鸟
The ship was sailing due south. 船向正南方航行. 2 (idm 习语) down `south (infml 口) to or in the south 到南方; 在南方
go down south for a few days 南下几天
They used to live in Scotland but they moved down south. 他们以前住在苏格兰, 後来移居南方了.





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