


n. 烟, 雾气, 烟熏剂, 抽烟, 烟色
vi. 吸烟, 冒烟, 弥漫
vt. 以烟熏, 抽烟而导致...
【医】 烟, 烟尘
like smoke
smoke oneself ill
go up in smoke


smoke n 1 [U] visible (usu white, grey or black) vapour coming from sth that is burning 烟
smoke from factory chimneys 工厂烟囱冒出的烟
The room was full of cigarette smoke. 满屋子都是香烟的烟雾. 2 [C] (a) (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml 口) act or period of smoking tobacco 吸烟; 抽烟
They stopped work to have a smoke. 他们停下工作吸口烟.
I haven´t had a smoke all day. 我一整天还没抽过烟呢. (b) (dated sl 旧, 俚) thing (esp a cigar or cigarette) to be smoked 烟(尤指雪茄或香烟)
Has anyone got any smokes? 哪位有烟? 3 (idm 习语) ,go up in `smoke (a) be completely burnt 被烧光
The whole house went up in smoke in less than an hour. 整座房子不到一个小时就烧光了. (b) (fig 比喻) result in failure; leave nothing of value behind 以失败告终; 未剩下有价值的东西
When he crashed his car all his travel plans went up in smoke. 他把汽车撞坏了, 他的整个旅行计画都吹了. (there is) ,no ,smoke with,out `fire (saying 谚) there is always some reason for a rumour 无火不生烟; 谣言也总是事出有因
He´s denied having an affair with his secretary, but of course there´s no smoke without fire. 他不承认和他秘书发生了关系, 但自是空穴来风喽. smoke v 1 [I] (a) give off smoke or other visible vapour 冒烟; 冒气
a smoking volcano 冒著烟的火山
smoking factory chimneys 冒著烟的工厂烟囱. (b) (of a fire or fireplace) give off too much smoke (and send it out into the room instead of up the chimney) (指炉火或壁炉)出烟过多(未经烟囱排出而进入屋内)
This fireplace smokes (badly). 这个壁炉烟冒得(太)厉害. 2 [I, Tn] draw in smoke from burning tobacco or other substances through the mouth and let it out again; use cigarettes, etc in this way regularly 吸烟; 抽(香烟等): Do you smoke? 你抽烟吗?
She has never smoked. 她从不吸烟.
He smokes a pipe. 他抽烟斗.
She smokes 20 (cigarettes) a day. 她一天抽20支(香烟). 3 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] preserve (meat, fish, etc) with smoke (from wood fires) to give a special taste 用烟熏制(肉、 鱼等)
smoked ham, salmon, mackerel, etc 熏火腿、 鲑、 鲭等. 4 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] darken (esp glass) with smoke 熏黑(尤指玻璃)
He looked at the sun through a sheet of smoked glass. 他透过一片熏黑的玻璃观看太阳.
fit smoked plastic lenses in spectacles 把烟色的塑料镜片安在眼镜上. 5 (idm 习语) put that in your pipe and smoke it => pipe1. 6 (phr v) smoke sb/sth out drive sb/sth out by means of smoke 将某人[某物]熏出
smoke out snakes from a hole 把蛇从洞中熏出
(fig 比喻) He was determined to smoke out the leaders of the gang, ie bring them out of hiding. 他决心要把匪首从躲藏处赶出来. smoke sth out fill sth with smoke 使某处充满烟雾
Turn off that pan you´re smoking the place out! 快把坐著锅的炉子关上--你把这儿弄得都是烟.





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