account receivable
account receivable怎么读,什么意思。应收款项应收帐款...
标签: account receivable,用法,音标,短语
- account n.报告,解释,估价,理由,利...
- t-account 丁字式帐户...
- t-account worksheet 丁字形帐,工作底表...
- year of account 结算年...
- take into account 重视,考虑...
- sundry deposit with native banks floating account 地方银行杂项存款(浮存户)...
- account verification 会计鉴定;帐目鉴定...
- account holder 开户人,有往来的客禾...
- contra-revenue account 收入抵销帐户(科目)...
- account note 帐单...
- account paid 已付款,帐款已付...
- abstract of account wages 工资帐户摘要...
- take no account of 不考虑,不重视...
- account current 往来帐户,活期存款帐户往来帐户...
- account bill 记帐清单帐单...
- account transaction 帐目事务...
- account number 帐号帐户号码,帐号...
- account officer 会计主管...
- accrued factory payroll account 应付工厂工资帐户(科目)...
- account of credit sales 应收销售款帐户(科目)...
- abstract account 月结帐户...