


n. 拖着脚走, 曳步, 混乱, 蒙混, 洗纸牌
vt. 拖曳, 马虎地做, 笨手笨脚地穿(脱)衣, 推诿, 洗牌
vi. 拖曳, 马虎地做, 笨手笨脚地穿(脱)衣, 推诿, 洗牌
【计】 混洗
lose in the shuffle
shuffle up
shuffle sb to and fro
shuffle sth out of sight
shuffle through one's work


shuffle v 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] walk without lifting the feet completely clear of the ground 拖著脚步走
Walk properly don´t shuffle. 好好走路--脚别蹭地.
The prisoners shuffled along the corridor and into their cells. 囚犯们沿著走廊拖著脚步进入牢房.
The queue shuffled forward slowly. 排长队的人拖著脚步往前蹭. (b) [I, Tn] change one´s position or move (one´s feet) about while standing or sitting, because of nervousness, boredom, etc (因紧张、 厌烦等)站著或坐著时改变位置或移动(双足)
The audience began to shuffle (their feet) impatiently. 观众已经不耐烦了, 渐渐跺起脚来. =>Usage 见所附用法. 2 (a) [I, Tn, Tn.p] slide (playing-cards) over one another to change their order 洗(纸牌)
Who is going to shuffle? 谁洗牌?
She shuffled the pack (up). 她把牌洗好了. (b) [Tn, Tn.p] move (papers, etc) around to different positions 将(文件等)移来移去
He shuffled the papers (around) on the desk, pretending to be busy. 他胡乱翻动桌上文件, 装出很忙的样子. 3 [I] behave as if one is being dishonest, or avoiding responsibility, etc; avoid being definite 显得不诚实或逃避责任等; 闪烁其辞
Don´t shuffle: give us a clear answer. 别躲躲闪闪的: 给我们一个明确的答覆. 4 (phr v) shuffle sth off (onto sb); shuffle out of sth avoid doing (what one ought to do) 推卸(应做的事)
He tries to shuffle his work off onto others. 他想把工作推给别人.
She shuffled out of the chores by saying she felt ill. 她说她有病, 把杂事都推掉了. shuffle, n (usu sing 通常作单数) 1 shuffling walk or movement 拖著脚步走或移动(的姿态)
walk with an exhausted shuffle 拖著疲惫不堪的脚步走. 2 act of shuffling playing-cards 洗牌
give the pack a good shuffle 把牌好好洗一下. 3 rearrangement; reordering 重新安排; 重新组合
a shuffle in the Cabinet, ie reallocating responsibilities among its members, etc 内阁改组.





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