


n. 显示, 表现, 展览, 卖弄, 炫耀, 外观, 演出, 洋相
vt. 表示, 显示, 展现, 陈列, 演出, 表明, 指出, 带领
vi. 露面, 显现, 演出
【计】 显示
【医】 现血, 血先露, 见红
show one's band
to show for
show sb in
show sb out
show a guest in
show a guest out
show sb to the door
make a false show of strength
do sth for show
go to a show
put up a good show
put up a poor show
put up a rival show against
give sb a fair show
do a show
give the show away
have nothing to show for
in dumb show
make a show of oneself
put the show on the road
get the show on the road
run the show
boss the show
show itself
show off
show oneself
stand a show
steal the show
show sb around sth
show sb over sth
show up
show sb up
show sth up
on show
show sb the door
show one's face
it all goes to show


show n 1 [C] any type of public entertainment, eg a circus, a theatre performance, or a radio or TV programme 演出; 表演; 节目
a TV quiz show 电视上的智力竞赛节目
a comedy show on radio 收音机里的喜剧节目
She has her own chat show. 她有个个人漫谈节目.
The most successful shows in the London theatre are often musicals. 伦敦剧院最叫座的剧目往往是歌舞喜剧. 2 [C] public display or exhibition, eg of things in a competition, new products, etc 展览; 展览会
a flower, horse, cattle show 花卉、 马、 牛的展览会
the motor show, ie where new models of cars, etc are displayed汽车展览会
the Lord Mayor´s Show, ie a procession through the streets of London when a new Mayoris appointed 伦敦市长的就职游行. =>Usage at demonstration 用法见demonstration. 3 [C, U] (a) thing done to give a certain impression, often a false one; outward appearance 表面上做出的样子(常指虚伪的); 外观
a show of defiance, strength, friendship, sympathy 做出的蔑视、 强大、 友好、 同情的样子
His public expressions of grief are nothing but show. 他公开表示悲痛只不过是做做样子而已. (b) splendid or pompous display 炫耀; 夸示
a fine show of blossom on the apple trees 苹果树上盛开的花朵
all the glitter and show of the circus 马戏团的光彩华丽的洋洋大观
They are too fond of show, ie too ostentatious. 他们太好炫耀. 4 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (Brit infml 口) thing done or performed in a specified way 表现
a poor show, ie sth done badly 表现不佳
put up a good show, eg do well in examinations or a contest 表现良好. 5 [C] (infml 口) anything that is happening; organization, business or undertaking 事情; 组织; 事业; 企业
She runs the whole show. 她负责全部业务.
Let´s get this show moving, ie start work. 咱们先干起来吧.
This is the manager´s show
you must ask him about it. 这是经理的事: 你得问他. 6 (idm 习语) for `show intended to be seen but not used 为了给人看而不是为了使用
She only has those books for show she never reads them. 她的那些书只是装门面的--她从来不看. ,good `show! (Brit infml 口) (used to express approval or congratulation when sth has been done well 用以表示赞成或祝贺某事干得好)
You passed your exams? Good show! 你考试及格了? 好极了! on `show being displayed 在展览中; 陈列著
All the new products were on show at the exhibition. 展览会上陈列著所有的新产品. a show of `hands raising of hands by a group of people to vote for or against sth 举手表决(赞成或反对某事)
The issue was decided by a show of hands. 这件事是通过举手表决决定的.
Who is in favour of the proposal? Can I have a show of hands, please? 谁赞成这项建议? 请大家举手表决好吗? steal the scene/show =>steal. stop the show =>stop1. show v (pt showed, pp shown or, rarely, 罕读作 showed) 1 (a) [Tn, Cn.a, Cn.g, Dn.n,] ~ sb/sth (to sb) cause sb/sth to be seen; display sb/sth 使某人[某物]被看见; 显示或展示某人[某物]
You must show your ticket at the barrier. 必须在检票处出示票.
The film is being shown at the local cinema. 本地影院正在上映这部电影.
Her paintings are being shown (ie exhibited) at a gallery in London. 她的画正在伦敦的一个美术馆里展出.
The photo shows her dressed in black. 在这张照片里, 她穿著黑衣服.
In the portrait he is shown lying on a sofa. 在这张画像中画著他躺在沙发上.
He showed me his pictures. 他给我看了他的照片.
She has shown them to all her friends. 她把那些东西给她所有的朋友都看过了. (b) [Tn, Tf, Tw] allow (sth) to be seen; reveal 使(某物)被看见; 显露
A dark suit doesn´t show the dirt so much. 黑色的套装禁脏.
My shoes are showing signs of wear. 我的鞋已经显得旧了. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] be visible or noticeable 看得见; 可察觉出
Your petticoat is showing, Jane. 简, 你的衬裙露出来了.
Does the scar still show? 伤疤还看得出来吗?
His fear showed in his eyes. 他眼里露出恐惧的目光.
Her laziness showed in her exam results. 她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来.
His shirt was so thin that his vest showed through (it). 他的衬衫很薄, 连里面穿的背心都能看见. 3 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态, Dn.n, Dn.w] point (sth) out; indicate 指出(某物); 指示; 告知
The clock shows half past two. 时钟的针指著两点半.
Show me which picture you drew. 告诉我哪张是你画的. 4 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (a) ~ itself be visible 呈现; 可看出
His annoyance showed itself in his face. 从他的脸上可以看出他有烦恼.
The sun didn´t show itself all day. 一整天没出太阳. (b) ~ oneself be present; appear 出席; 出现
He showed himself briefly at the party. 他在聚会上匆匆露了一面.
The leader rarely shows herself in public. 这位领导她很少在公众场合露面. 5 [Tn, Dn.n,] treat (sb) with (kindness, respect, cruelty, etc); give; grant 对(某人)(和蔼、 尊敬、 残忍等); 给; 施予
The king often shows mercy (to prisoners). 这位国王常(对囚犯)大发慈悲.
The priest showed me great understanding. 神父对我非常理解.
They showed nothing but contempt for him. 他们对他轻蔑已极. 6 [Tn, Cn.a, Cn.n no passive 不用於被动语态] give evidence or proof of being or having (sth) 证明、 证实或表明为或有(某特质)
show no signs of intelligence 表现得一点也不聪明
a soldier who showed great courage/showed himself to be very brave 表现得非常勇敢的士兵
She showed herself unable to deal with money. 她做出的事表明她不善理财.
He showed himself (to be) a dishonest rascal. 他的表现证明他是个无赖. 7 [Tn, Tf, Tw, Tnt, Dn.n,, Dn.f, Dn.w] ~sth (to sb) make sth clear; demonstrate sth; prove sth 使某事物清楚; 阐明或证明某事物
show the falseness of her claims/that her claims are false 证明她的说法不确
show (him) how to do it/what to do 告诉(他)如何做[做什麽]
His expression shows how unhappy he is. 他的表情说明他非常不愉快.
Her new book shows her to be a first-rate novelist. 她的新书表明她是第一流的小说家.
They were shown the tragedy of war. 他们了解到了战争的悲惨.
She showed her methods of analysis to her pupils. 她向学生展示自己的分析方法. 8 [, Tn.p] lead or conduct (sb) to the specified place or in the specified direction 引领(某人); 引导; 指引
We were shown into the waiting-room. 把我们带到了候客室.
Please show this lady out (of the building). 请把这位太太送出去.
The usherette showed us to our seats. 女引座员把我们带到座位上.
Our trained guides will show you round (the museum). 我们这些训练有素的导游来带你们参观(博物馆). 9 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (infml 口) prove one´s ability or worth to (sb) 向(某人)证实自己有能力或价值
They think I can´t win, but I´ll show them. 他们认为我赢不了, 但我要让他们看看. 10 (sl 俚 esp US) appear; show up 出现; 露面
I waited for you all morning but you never showed. 我整个上午都在等你, 但是没见到你的影子. 11 [I] (US) win a place (third or better) in a horse race 赛马中得名次(前三名). 12 (idm 习语) do/show sb a kindness =>kindness (kind1). fly/show/wave the flag =>flag1. go to `show serve to prove or demonstrate 用以证明或显示
You´ve got no money now. It all/only goes to show you shouldn´t gamble. 你现在没钱了, 这完全证明你不应该赌博. show (sb) a clean pair of `heels (infml often joc 口, 常作戏谑语) run away 跑掉; 溜之大吉. show sb the `door ask sb to leave 叫某人离开; 逐出
After having insulted his host, he was shown the door. 他侮辱了主人, 结果被轰了出去. show one´s `face appear before people 露面
She daren´t show her face in the street. 她不敢在街上露面. show one´s `hand/`cards reveal one´s intentions or plans 表明意图或计画
I suspect they´re planning something but they haven´t shown their hand yet. 我怀疑他们在策画什麽事, 但是他们还没表露出来. show sb/know/learn the ropes =>rope. show a `leg (infml joc 口, 谑) get out of bed 起床. show one´s teeth use one´s power or authority to intimidate or punish sb 用权力或权威来吓唬或惩罚某人. show (sb) the `way (a) tell sb how to get to a certain place 告诉(某人)怎样到达某处
show him the way to the station 告诉他到车站怎麽走. (b) be an example to sb 成为某人的榜样
Let´s hope her bravery will show the way for other young people. 希望她的英雄行为能成为年轻人的榜样. show the white `feather act in a cowardly way; show fear 示弱; 胆怯. show `willing show that one is ready to do sth, eg work hard, help, etc 表示愿意做某事(如努力工作、 帮助别人等)
I don´t think I´m needed as a helper, but I´ll go anyway, just to show willing. 我想并不需要我帮忙, 但我还是要去, 以示诚意. (have) something, nothing, etc to show for sth (have) something, nothing, etc as a result of sth 在某事物上有些、 没有成果等
All those years of hard work, and nothing to show for it! 苦干了那麽多年, 却拿不出成绩来.
I´ve only got 100 to show for all the stuff I sold. 我卖了那麽多东西, 只得到区区100英镑. 13 (phr v) show off (infml often derog 口, 常作贬义) try to impress others with one´s abilities, wealth, intelligence, etc 炫耀自己的能力、 财富、 智慧等
Do stop showing off it´s embarrassing. 快别卖弄了--太难为情了.
The child danced around the room, showing off to everybody. 那个孩子满屋子跳舞, 向大家显派一番. show sb/sth off draw people´s attention to sb/sth 吸引大家注意某人[某事物]
a dress that shows off her figure well 能充分衬托出她那身段的连衣裙
She was showing off her new husband at the party. 她在聚会上引著大家注意她的新郎.
He likes showing off how well he speaks French. 他喜欢引人注意到他法语说得非常好. show up (infml 口) arrive, often after a delay; appear 到来(通常在耽搁一段时间後); 出现
It was ten o´clock when he finally showed up. 十点钟时他终於到了.
We were hoping for a full team today but only five players showed up. 今天我们希望全体队员都到齐, 但结果只到了五个人. show (sth) up (cause sth to) become visible (使某物)显现出来
The dust on the shelf shows up in the sunlight. 在阳光照射下能看见架子上有灰尘.
Close inspection shows up the cracks in the stonework. 仔细观察就能发现这石雕中有裂缝. show sb up (infml 口) make sb feel embarrassed by behaving badly in his company 因举止失当使某人羞与为伍
He showed me up by falling asleep at the concert. 他在音乐会上睡著了, 弄得我很难为情. show sb up (as/for sth/to be sth) show sb to be (dishonest, disreputable, etc) 显露某人(不诚实、 不名誉等)
His diary shows him up as/shows him up to have been a greedy, arrogant man. 他的日记暴露出他又贪婪又傲慢.





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