shoot-em-up shoot-em-up怎么读,什么意思。n.描写枪击凶杀的影片,描写枪击凶杀的电视节目... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 570 n. 描写枪击凶杀的影片, 描写枪击凶杀的电视节目在线英汉词典
shoot n.射击,狩猎,芽,射伤,发射...take a shoot 在激流中驶过,走近路...trouble shoot 故障寻找 shoot 切勿投掷...shoot off one's mouth 夸夸其词,信口开河轻率地说出...trouble shoot(ing) 查找故障;排除故障...the whole shoot 一切,全部...spike over shoot 上冲...shoot the breeze 吹牛,闲谈...shoot-out n.枪战...shoot one's last bolt 竭尽全力...shoot on the spot 就地枪决...bamboo shoot 笋,竹笋...shoot off 发射,击落,打掉...shoot-'em-up n.枪战影片,枪战...shoot out 射出,伸出,抽出...shoot off a tie 平局后再赛以决胜负 shoot the arrow at the target 有的放矢...shoot one's way 用武力达到目的...shoot from the hip 鲁莽地做事...shoot-off n.决赛...