sheath of Key and Retzius sheath of Key and Retzius怎么读,什么意思。凯-雷二氏鞘(神经内膜)... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 360 【医】 凯-雷二氏鞘(神经内膜)在线英汉词典
cable sheath 簧鞘...cable sheath bond 电缆护套搭接...anode sheath 阳极护套...myelin sheath 髓鞘...tangential sheath 切线鞘(颈动脉) sheath 毛鞘...bundle-sheath 维管束鞘...Neumann's sheath 诺伊曼氏鞘,牙质小管鞘...nucleated sheath 神经鞘...Pal's modification of Weigert's myelin sheath staining 帕耳氏改良魏格特氏髓鞘染色法...palmar sheath 掌鞘...lamellar sheath 神经束膜...synovial sheath 滑液鞘...tail sheath 尾鞘...capillary sheath 毛细管鞘...notochordal sheath 脊索鞘...neural sheath 髓鞘...Robin's sheath 罗班氏鞘(神经鞘)...nerve sheath 神经束膜...fascial sheath of bulb 眼球筋膜,眼球囊...fascial sheath of prostate 前列腺筋膜鞘...