shake down shake down怎么读,什么意思。摇落,临时搭铺,适应新环境敲诈,勒索,搜查... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 610 摇落, 临时搭铺, 适应新环境【法】 敲诈, 勒索, 搜查在线英汉词典
shake one's fist at sb 向某人挥拳...shake n.摇动,震动vt.摇动,动摇...shake sb's hand 同某人握手...shake hands with sb 同某人握手...shake-up n.动摇,骚动,革新,振作,剧...a fair shake 公平交易...shake sb down 勒索,敲诈,对...进行搜查...shake-hands n.握手...shake one's fist 挥拳威胁...put the shake on sb 向某人勒索钱财...shake with cold 冷得发抖...shake sb by the hand 同某人握手...shake the dust off one's feet 愤然离开 its foundations 从根本上动摇......shake-out screen 振动清箱栅...heart shake 心裂...put sb. on the shake 向某人勒索...shake hands and make up 握手言欢...give...the shake 撵走...,摆脱......shake oneself together 振作 half a shake 立刻...