


vt. 可作...用, 服务, 经历, 招待, 供应, 送交, 对待
vi. 服务, 服役, 侍应, 适合, 有用, 开球
n. 发球, 轮到发球
【法】 服务, 服役, 为...服务
serve the needs of
serve as
serve the purpose
serve sb a trick
serve a warning on sb
serve sb right


serve v 1 [I, Tn] ~ (sb) (as sth) work for (sb), esp as a servant 为(某人)工作; (尤指)当用人
served as (a) gardener and chauffeur 做园艺工人兼司机
He has served his master for many years. 他伺候主人很多年了. 2 [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (in sth/as sth) perform duties, eg in the armed forces 供职, 服役(如在军队里)
serve (a year) in the Army 在陆军服役(一年)
served as a naval officer during the war 战时在海军当军官
serve on (ie be a member of) a committee, board, etc 担任委员、 董事等
serve under sb, ie be under the command of (a superior officer, leader, etc) 在某人手下任职
She has served her country well, eg as a civil servant, Member of Parliament, etc. 她为国尽职(如作公务员、 议员等).
(fig 比喻) This desk has served me well (ie been very useful to me) over the years. 这张办公桌多年来对我的用处可大了. 3 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn,, Tn.p, Dn.n,] ~ sb (with sth); ~ sth (up) (to sb) give food to (sb) at a meal; place (food) on the table at a meal 供(某人)饭菜; 将(饭菜)摆上桌
learn to serve at table, ie as a waiter 学习端饭上菜(当服务员)
Who´s going to serve? 谁来布菜?
Dinner is served, ie is ready. 开饭了.
We serve coffee in the lounge. 我们起居室里有咖啡奉客.
Have all the guests been served (with) food and drink? 给所有的客人都上了饭菜饮品了吗?
Four waiters served lunch to us/served us lunch. 有四个服务员招待我们吃午饭. (b) [I, Tn,, Dn.n,] ~ sb (with sth); ~ sth (to sb) attend to (a customer) or supply (sth) in a shop, etc (在商店等处)接待(顾客)或为顾客取来(货物)
He serves in a shoeshop. 他在鞋店卖鞋.
Are you being served? 有售货员接待您吗?
He served some sweets to the children. 他为孩子们拿来他们要买的糖果. (c) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态
Tn,] ~ sb/sth (with sth) provide sb/sth with a facility 为某人[某事物]提供设施
The town is well served with public transport. 这个市镇公共交通设施很完善. 4 [I, Ipr, It, Tn,, Cn.n/a no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ (sb) (for/as sth) (fml 文) satisfy (a need or purpose); be suitable (for) 满足(需要); 达到(目的); 适合(於)
This room can serve as/for a study. 这个房间可作书房用.
This serves to show how foolish you have been. 这足以说明你有多蠢.
It´s not exactly what I wanted but it will serve my purpose. 这个跟我想要的不太一样, 但也算可以. 5 [Tn] (of a portion of food) be enough for (指一份食物)够...
This packet of soup serves two. 这包汤料可供两人用. 6 [Tn] (fml 文) treat (sb) in a specified way 以某方式对待(某人)
They have served me shamefully, ie have treated me very badly. 他们待我很坏. 7 [In/pr, Tn] (a) spend (a period of time) learning a trade, etc 用(某段时间)习艺等
serve two years as an apprentice/a two-year apprenticeship 当两年学徒. (b) pass (a period of time) in prison 在狱中服(某段时间)刑
serve ten years for armed robbery 因持械抢劫罪服刑十年
(infml 口) serve time for fraud 因诈骗罪服刑. 8 [Tn,] ~ sth (on sb); ~ sb with sth (law 律) formally deliver sth to sb 将某物正式送达某人
serve a summons, writ, warrant, etc 送达传票、 书面命令、 授权命令等
serve a court order on sb/sb with a court order 把法院的命令送达某人. 9 [I, Ipr, Tn,] ~ (sth) (to sb) (in tennis, etc) put the ball into play by striking it to one´s opponent (网球等)发球
It´s your turn to serve (to me). 该你发(给我)球了.
She´s already served two aces this game. 她在这一局中已两次发球得分. 10 [Tn] (of a male animal) copulate with (a female animal), esp after being hired for this purpose (指雄性动物)与(雌性动物)交配(尤指为此而租用动物)
His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow. 明天我们用他的公牛与我们的母牛配种. 11 [no passive 不用於被动语态
I, Tn] assist a priest at (a religious service) 在(宗教仪式上)担任助祭
Who will serve (at) Mass today? 今天谁任助祭? 12 (idm 习语) first come, first served =>first2. if memory serves =>memory. serve sb `right (of a misfortune, etc) be deserved bysb (指不幸事等)应由某人承受
`I got soaked in the rain.´`It serves you right I told you to take an umbrella.´`我让雨浇坏了.'`活该--我早就告诉你得带雨伞.' serve one´s/its turn be useful for a purpose or for a particular period 於某目的或某时期有用
I finally had to sell the car, but it had served its turn. 我最後只好把汽车卖了, 不过也算是物尽其用了. serve sb´s turn be good or useful enough for sb´s purpose 对某人(之需)有好处或有用处. serve two `masters (usu in negative sentences 通常用於否定句) follow two conflicting parties, principles, etc 伺候两个主人(追随两个敌对的党派或奉行两种相互矛盾的原则等). 13 (phr v) serve sth out (a) give portions of (food) to several people 把(食物)分给大家
Shall I serve out the soup or would you like to help yourselves? 是我来给你们盛汤, 还是你们愿意自己来? (b) serve, work, etc until the end of (a fixed period) 工作到(规定期限)的末尾
You´ll have to serve out your notice before you leave the firm. 你必须工作到你辞职通知的最後期限才能离开这个公司. serve sth up (infml derog 口, 贬) offer sth 提出
She served up the usual excuses for being late. 她又端出老一套藉口为迟到辩解. serve, n (in tennis, etc) act or manner of serving the ball (网球等的)发球或发球方式
Whose serve is it? ie Whose turn is it to serve? 该谁发球了? * a fast serve 快速发球.





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