sell fraudulently
sell fraudulently怎么读,什么意思。盗卖...
标签: sell fraudulently,用法,音标,短语
- hard-sell a.强行推销的硬行推销...
- sell vt.卖,背叛,销售,出卖vi...
- buy cheap and sell dear 贱买贵卖...
- hard sell 硬行推销,困难的说服工作...
- sell sb on an idea 说服某人接受某一主意...
- sell sb sth 把某物卖给某人...
- wouldn't sell 销路不好,卖不出...
- buy-and-sell shop 旧货店(纽约的)...
- buy-sell agreement 买卖协议...
- sell-out n.客满的演出,售完,客满,售...
- kidnap and sell people 拐卖人口...
- buy or sell without authorization 私自买卖...
- sell and leaseback agreement 售后返回租赁合同,售出租回合约...
- sell bear 贵卖...
- sell the dummy 以假传球运动迷惑某人...
- sell-off n.(证券的)跌价...
- sell sth at a loss 蚀本出售某物...
- sell at a sacrifice 高本出售...
- sell for future delivery 出售期货...
- sell up 卖完,为还债而变卖...
- Sell the bear's skin before one has caught the bear 过早乐观...