


n. 种子, 籽, 萌芽, 子孙, 精液
vt. 在...播种, 催...发育, 脱...籽
vi. 结实, 播种
【医】 种子; 精液; 种子形小管; 接种(细菌); 子瘤


seed n 1 (a) [C] part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow 种子
a tiny poppy seed 小小的罂粟籽
sow a row of seeds 播种一行种子. (b) [U] quantity of these for planting, feeding birds, etc (种植、 喂鸟等的)种子
a handful of grass seed 一把草籽
Sweet pea seed can be sown in May. 香豌豆籽可在五月份种上. (c) [attrib 作定语] (to be) used for planting 用作种子的
seed corn, potatoes, etc 作种子用的谷物、 马铃薯等. 2 [U] (dated fml 旧, 文) semen 精液
the fruit of his seed, ie his child or children 他的孩子. 3 [C] (esp in tennis) seeded (seed v 4) player (尤指网球的)种子选手
a final between the first and second seeds 一号和二号种子选手的决赛. 4 (idm 习语) go/run to seed (a) (of a plant) stop flowering as seed is produced (指植物)花谢结子. (b) (fig 比喻) begin to look shabby or become less able, efficient, etc 衰败; (能 力、 效力等)减弱
He started to drink too much and gradually ran to seed. 他喝酒过多, 身体逐渐衰弱了. (plant/sow) the seeds of sth the cause or origin of sth 某事物的起因或根源
Are the seeds of criminal behaviour sown early in life? 犯罪行为的根源是否始自幼时? seed, v 1 [I] (of a plant) produce seed (指植物)结子. 2 [Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) sow seed in sth 将种子种在某处
a newly-seeded lawn 新近撒上草籽的草坪
seed a field with wheat 在地里播种小麦. 3 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] remove the seeds from (sth) 除去(某物)的种子
seeded raisins 除去子的葡萄乾. 4 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (esp in tennis) select (a good player) to play against a poorer player in the early rounds of a knock-out competition, so that all the good players have a chance to reach the later rounds (尤指网球中)挑选(种子选手)与较弱选手比赛(使种子选手不至过早遭淘汰)
The seeded players all won their matches. 这些种子选手已全部获胜.





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