


n. 秒, 瞬间, 第二名, 支持者, 助手
a. 第二的, 其次的, 次要的, 附加的, 辅助的
num. 第二
vt. 当...助手, 支持
【机】 第二, 秒; 第二的
second to none


second det 1 2nd; next after first in time, order, importance, etc 第二的
February is the second month of the year. 二月是一年的第二个月份.
Tom is the second son he has an elder brother. 汤姆是次子--他有一个哥哥.
Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. 大阪是日本的第二大城市.
Who was second in the race? 赛跑谁得了第二名? =>App 4 见附录4. Cf 参看 two. 2 another after the first; additional; extra (除第一个外)再一个的; 加上的; 额外的
a second helping of soup 又一份汤
You will need a second pair of shoes. 你需要再有一双鞋. 3 of an inferior or a less important kind 次等的; 次要的
We never use second quality ingredients. 我们决不使用次等配料.
(sport 体) the second eleven, ie a team of reserves 後补队. 4 of the same quality, merit, etc as a previous one (与前一个)同样好的
He thinks he´s a second Churchill! ie believes he has Churchill´s abilities. 他认为他是第二个丘吉尔(自信有丘吉尔的才能). 5 (idm 习语) ,second `only to sb/sth having only one person or thing that is better, more important, etc 仅次於某人或某事物
He is second only to my own son in my affections. 我除了爱我的儿子, 最爱他. ,second to `none as good as the best 不亚於任何人或事物
As a dancer, he is second to none. 他的舞艺无出其右. (For other idioms containing second, see the other major words in each idiom 查阅其他含有second一词的习语, 见该习语中含有其他主要词的词条, 如 get one´s second wind =>wind1.); second, adv in second place; second in order or importance 以第二位
The English swimmer came second. 英国游泳选手得了第二名.
I agreed to speak second. 我同意让我第二个发言. secondly adv in the second place; furthermore 第二; 其次
First(ly), it´s too expensive; and secondly, it´s very ugly. 一来太贵, 二来很难看. =>Usage at first2 用法见first2. second n, pron 1 the second [sing] person or thing that comes next after the first 第二个人或事物
the second of May 五月二日
George the Second, ie King George II 乔治二世
I was the first to arrive, and she was the second. 我是第一个到的, 她是第二个. 2 [sing] person or thing additional to one already mentioned 另一个人或事物
She published her first book last year, and has now written a second. 她去年出版了第一本书, 现在写了第二本.
You´re the second to ask me that. 你是第二个问我这件事的人. 3 [C] ~ (in sth) (Brit) second-class university degree 大学的乙等荣誉学位
get an upper, a lower second (in economics) 获得(经济学的)乙等一级、 乙等二级荣誉学位. 4 [U] second gear on a car, bicycle, etc (汽车、 自行车等的)二挡
Are you in first or second? 你用的是一挡还是二挡?
Change from second to third. 从二挡换到三挡. 5 [C usu pl 通常作复数] manufactured article that has a fault and is therefore sold cheaper 剔装货
These plates are seconds. 这些盘子是剔装货. 6 seconds [pl] second helping of food 第二份食物
I´m going to ask for seconds. 我想再要一份吃的. 7 [C] person who assists a boxer or sb fighting a duel (拳击者或决斗者的)助手. second n 1 (symb 符号为 ) 60th part of a minute of time or of angular measurement (时间或角度计量单位的)秒
The winning time was 1 minute 5 seconds. 获胜的时间是1分零5秒.
1610, ie one degree, six minutes, and ten seconds (1度6分10秒). =>App 4, 5, 11 见附录4、 5、 11. 2 (also Brit infml 英式口语作 sec) short time; moment 一会儿; 片刻
I´ll be ready in a sec(ond). 我马上就准备好.
The food was on the table in seconds. 吃的东西一转眼就摆在桌上了. second v [Tn] 1 support or assist (sb), esp in a boxing-match or duel 支持或协助(某人)(尤指拳击比赛或决斗中)
I was ably seconded in this research by my son. 在这项研究中, 我儿子帮了我很大忙. 5 formally support (a motion, resolution, etc already proposed by sb else) to show that he is not the only person in favour of it 附议(某动议、 决议等)
Mrs Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr Jones seconded (it). 史密斯夫人提议大家鼓掌表示感谢, 琼斯先生附议.
(joc 谑) `Let´s go away this weekend.´ `I´ll secondthat.´ `咱们本周末离开吧.'`我同意.' Cf 参看 propose1. second v [Tn,] ~ sb (from sth) (to sth) (esp Brit) transfer (sb) from his normal duties to other duties 调任, 调派(某人)做其他工作
an officer seconded from the Marines to staff headquarters 从海军陆战队调往总参谋部的军官.





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