schedule of finished goods schedule of finished goods怎么读,什么意思。制成品明细表... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 490 【经】 制成品明细表在线英汉词典
schedule n.时间表,一览表,计划表,议...action schedule 动作表 schedule 按照预定计划...accounts receivable aging schedule 应收帐款赊欠期间(帐龄)分析表...labour schedule 人工明细预算...accumulation schedule 累计表...tentative schedule 试行调度...job schedule 工程进度工程进度,作业调度程序...quantity schedule 数量明细表 工作进度表 schedule 工作进度工作时间表...according to schedule 按照预定计划...aging schedule 帐龄表...balanced schedule 平衡表...monthly schedule of fixed charges 固定费用月份明细表 schedule 运行调度...itemized schedule 项目一览表...written off on different time schedule 按不同期限摊提...time schedule of works 工作进度...salary schedule 薪金级表...Gesell developmental schedule tests 格泽耳氏发育程度试验...