scene n.场,情景,镜头,发生地点,...a change of scene 改换环境...quit the scene 下台,死去...mob scene 群众场面...scene-stealer n."抢镜头"的人...behind-the-scene a.幕后的...visit to the scene 现场检查,现场视察,现场勘察...view of the scene 现场查验...secondary scene 第二现场...come on the scene 到场...crime scene 犯罪现场...dynamic scene analysis 动态景物分析...crime scene procedure 犯罪现场勘查...crime scene investigation 犯罪现场勘查 the scene capture 现场查获...make a scene 当众大吵一场...make the scene 露面,参与 the scene investigation 现场勘验...scene plot 布景场面说明书...scene of crime 犯罪现场,作案现场...original scene 原始现场...