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- 英汉词典
- say turkey to one and buzzard to another
say turkey to one and buzzard to another
say turkey to one and buzzard to another怎么读,什么意思。厚此薄彼...
标签: say turkey to one and buzzard to another,用法,音标,短语
- say vt.说,讲,念,说明,指明v...
- if I may say so... 要是我可以这么说的话......
- say-so n.武断的话,个人意见,权威性...
- I have heard say that... 我听说......
- I say (引起话头)喂,啊呀,唷,嗨...
- to say the least 退一步说...
- people say that... 人们说...,据说......
- just as you say 正象你说的那样...
- I dare say 我想,大概...
- say good-bye to sb 向(某人)告别...
- say turkey to one and bazzard to another 厚此薄彼...
- have one's say 有发言机会,有发言权...
- as much as to say 等于说...
- say nay to sth 拒绝某事,不批准某事...
- say about 估计,大约,未定的数量...
- I ventrue to say that... 我敢说...,我敢冒昧地说.....
- Never say die 别气馁,不要失望...
- say one's say 畅所欲言...
- say a good word for sb 为某人说好话,为某人说情...
- say all one knows 知无不言...
- say in remonstrance that... 抗议说......