abidance by the rules 遵守规则,照章办事...absolute rules 绝对规则...hamburg rules ...Who holds the purse rules the house 有钱就有势...York-Antwerp rules 约克一安特卫普规则...Hague rules ...Hague rules on air warfare 海牙空战法规...ad hoc decision rules 特定决策规则...safety operating rules 安全操作规程...navigation rules 航行规则...judge's rules 法官规程...uniform rules for the collection of commercial papers 商业票据托收统一规则...violation rules and regulations 违章,违反规章制度...use grammar and style rules 使用语法和文体规则使用语法和文...even-odd rules 奇偶规则,奇偶定则,偶数转换法...Bayes rules 贝士规定...imperative rules of law 强制性的法律规定...rules of jus common 普通法规则...rules of etiquette 礼法,礼仪规定...applicable law rules 可适用的法律规则...rules of reconciliation and arbitration 调解与仲裁规则...