attorney general's bill attorney general's bill怎么读,什么意思。呈送给大陪审团的诉状... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 380 【法】 呈送给大陪审团的诉状英汉词典
U.S. attorney-general 美国司法部长...cancel a power of attorney 撤销委托...warrant of attorney 委托书...warranty of attorney 授权代理者...assignment of the power of attorney 复委任...public attorney 检察总长 n.代理人,律师律师,代理人...deputy attorney general 助理司法部长...defence attorney 被告辩护人...cross-examining attorney 盘问的律师,反诘问的律师...circuit attorney 地方检察官 of the day 值班律师 n.代理人代理人...pardon attorney 负责审议和实行特赦的司法官员...general attorney 一般代理人,一般代理权 n.律师律师...customs attorney 海关代理人...irrevocable power of attorney 不能撤销的委托代理权...letter of attorney 委托书(任状)...general power of attorney 全权代理委任,全权委托书,全权...principal attorney 主要辩护人,第一代理人...