a residence zone 住宅区...habitual residence 通常住址...residence n.住宅,居留,驻扎,居住期间...country of residence 居住国...actual residence 现住所,实际住所...residence permit 居住证,居留证...take up one's residence at 定居于......trespass upon the residence 侵入住宅罪...system residence 常驻系统;常驻系统程序...resumption of residence 重返原来住地居住...residence principle 居住地原则...freedom to change one's residence 迁徙自由...main residence 主要居所...residence of the obligee 债权人所在地...residence time distribution 停留时间分布...normal residence 永久住所...in residence 住校,驻在的...check residence cards 核对户口,查对户口...registration of residence 居住登记...freedom of choice of residence 居住自由...distribution of residence-time(DRT) 逗留时间分布...