n. 球拍, 喧闹, 杂乱无章
vi. 喧闹
vt. 用球拍打
【法】 放荡生活, 有组织的非法活动; 过放荡生活, 忙于社交
be in on a racket
be all a racket
stand the racket
racket (also racquet), n 1 [C] bat with a round or oval stringed frame, used for hitting the ball in tennis, badminton, etc (网球、 羽毛球等的)球拍. =>illus at squash, tennis 见 squash、 tennis 插图. 2 rackets (also racquets) [sing v] ball-game for two or four people played with rackets and a small hard ball in a four-walled court 墙网球(二人或四人玩的球戏, 使用球拍和一质硬小球, 场地四面有围墙)
[attrib 作定语] a rackets court, ball, match 墙网球的球场、 球、 比赛. Cf 参看 squash n 3. racket n (infml 口) 1 [sing] loud noise; uproar or noisy disturbance 喧嚷; 吵闹
What a racket the children are making! 这些孩子太吵了!
The students kicked up no end of a racket (ie were very noisy and boisterous) in the street. 这些学生在街上大吵大闹. 2 [C] (a) dishonest or illegal way of getting money 敲诈; 勒索; 诈骗
the gambling/protection/drugs racket 赌博[收?quot;;し?贩毒]的勾当
Police investigating the fraud suspected him of being in on (ie profiting by) the racket. 警方调查这一诈骗案时怀疑他涉嫌参与诈骗活动. (b) business or occupation 生意; 职业
What´s your racket? 你是干哪一行的?
How did she get into the modelling racket? 她是怎样当上模特儿的? racket, v [I, Ip] ~ (about/around) (infml 口) move about noisily; join in wild social activities 到处闹腾; 参加喧闹的社交活动.
n. 球拍, 喧闹, 杂乱无章
vi. 喧闹
vt. 用球拍打
【法】 放荡生活, 有组织的非法活动; 过放荡生活, 忙于社交
be in on a racket
be all a racket
stand the racket
racket (also racquet), n 1 [C] bat with a round or oval stringed frame, used for hitting the ball in tennis, badminton, etc (网球、 羽毛球等的)球拍. =>illus at squash, tennis 见 squash、 tennis 插图. 2 rackets (also racquets) [sing v] ball-game for two or four people played with rackets and a small hard ball in a four-walled court 墙网球(二人或四人玩的球戏, 使用球拍和一质硬小球, 场地四面有围墙)
[attrib 作定语] a rackets court, ball, match 墙网球的球场、 球、 比赛. Cf 参看 squash n 3. racket n (infml 口) 1 [sing] loud noise; uproar or noisy disturbance 喧嚷; 吵闹
What a racket the children are making! 这些孩子太吵了!
The students kicked up no end of a racket (ie were very noisy and boisterous) in the street. 这些学生在街上大吵大闹. 2 [C] (a) dishonest or illegal way of getting money 敲诈; 勒索; 诈骗
the gambling/protection/drugs racket 赌博[收?quot;;し?贩毒]的勾当
Police investigating the fraud suspected him of being in on (ie profiting by) the racket. 警方调查这一诈骗案时怀疑他涉嫌参与诈骗活动. (b) business or occupation 生意; 职业
What´s your racket? 你是干哪一行的?
How did she get into the modelling racket? 她是怎样当上模特儿的? racket, v [I, Ip] ~ (about/around) (infml 口) move about noisily; join in wild social activities 到处闹腾; 参加喧闹的社交活动.