purchase of an interest distinguished from real investment purchase of an interest distinguished from real investment怎么读,什么意思。买入股权与真正投资的区别... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 790 【经】 买入股权与真正投资的区别在线英汉词典
year's purchase 年购买值...abatement of purchase money 压低买价...fair market purchase option 公平市价优先购买权...purchase n.购买,购买品,紧握,绞辘v...add-on purchase 增加购入...account purchase 赊买...want to purchase 征购...acquisition through purchase of share capital 买入股本以达到收购另一公司的目...purchase money mortgage 购买财产抵押...negotiate purchase 议价购买...gain or loss intercompany bond purchase 公司间债券购进损益...account of purchase 购货帐单...unified purchase and sale 统购统销...facilities purchase order 设备购买订货单...advances made for purchase of material 预付购买材料款...purchase order (PO) 定货单...purchase account 进货帐户...lump sum purchase 整批购买,一次总购入...purchase option 购买选择权...purchase voucher 购物证,购买证...basket purchase 整套购买,笼统购买...