prima facie
prima facie怎么读,什么意思。初步的,表面的...
【法】 初步的, 表面的
prima facie的短语、例句:
prima facie adj[attrib 作定语], adv (esp law 尤用於法律) based on what seems to be so without further or deeper investigation 似乎如此(的); 未作进一步或深入调查(的)
prima facie evidence, ie sufficient to establish sth legally (unless it is disproved later) 初步证据
Prima facie he would appear to be guilty. 初步证据表明他有罪.
prima facie的短语、例句:
prima facie adj[attrib 作定语], adv (esp law 尤用於法律) based on what seems to be so without further or deeper investigation 似乎如此(的); 未作进一步或深入调查(的)
prima facie evidence, ie sufficient to establish sth legally (unless it is disproved later) 初步证据
Prima facie he would appear to be guilty. 初步证据表明他有罪.