


n. 柱, 杆, 准星, 邮件, 邮政, 标竿, 职位, 岗位, 哨所, 兵营
vt. 张帖, 邮递, 公布, 登入帐, 使熟悉, 布置
vi. 快速行进
ad. 急速地
【计】 记入; 登记, 上电自检
【医】 桩, 柱
【经】 邮件; 缔造
post off


post n 1 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) piece of metal or wood set upright in the ground to support sth, mark a position, etc (金属或木头的)柱子, 支柱, 桩, 标柱, 标杆: `gate posts 门柱
a `goal post 球门柱 * a `lamp-post, ie supporting a street light 路灯柱
a `signpost 路标 * `boundary posts, ie marking a boundary 界桩
a `bedpost, ie any of the upright supports of a bedstead, esp a four-poster 床柱(床架的垂直支柱, 尤指四根的). 2 [sing] place where a race starts or finishes (速度竞赛的)起点或终点标志
the `starting/`finishing/`winning post 起点[终点/获胜]标. 3 (idm 习语) be left at the post => leave1. deaf as a post => deaf. (be) first past the post winning in an election because one has received the most votes though not necessarily an absolute majority 以得票最多(但不一定超过半数)在选举中获胜. from pillar to post => pillar. pip sb at the post => pip5. post, v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) display (a notice, placard, etc) in a public place 公布(告示、 招贴等)
Post no bills, eg warning that advertisements, etcmust not be posted on a wall. 禁止招贴.
Advertisementshave been posted up everywhere announcing the new show. 到处贴满了广告宣传这一新节目. (b) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态 Tn, Cn.a, Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth (as sth) announce sth about sb/sth by means of a poster, list, etc displayed publicly (以张贴招贴、 名单等形式)公开宣布某事
Details of the election will be posted outside the town hall. 选举的详情将贴在市政厅外.
The ship was posted (as) missing, ie was announced as missing. 布告称该船失踪. 2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (over) cover sth with bills, placards, etc 将告示、 招贴等贴在某物上
post a wall (over) with advertisements 在墙上张贴广告. post n 1 position of paid employment; job (有报酬的)职位; 工作
He was appointed to the post of general manager. 他获任命为总经理.
She was offered a post in the new government. 她受聘在新政府中任职.
She had been in the same post for 20 years. 她担任同一职务已20年.
He asked to be relieved of his post, ie offered his resignation. 他提出辞职. 2 place where a person is on duty, esp a soldier on watch 岗位; (尤指士兵的)哨位
The sentries are all at their posts. 哨兵们都已各就各位.
The guards were ordered not to leave their posts. 卫兵们奉令不得离开岗位. 3 (a) place occupied and defended by soldiers, esp a frontier fort (部队的)驻地, 防区; (尤指)边防要塞. (b) soldiers occupying this驻军. 4 (also `trading post) (esp formerly) settlementdeveloped for trading, esp in a region that is undevelopedor sparsely populated (尤指旧时的)贸易站(尤指设於不发达或人口稀少之地区的). post, v [Tn,] 1 ~ sb (to sth) appoint sb to a job or a responsibility 派某人做某工作或担负某任务
post an officer to a unit, the front, overseas 把一名军官派往某单位、 前线、 海外
After several years in London, he was posted to the embassy in Moscow. 他在伦敦任职几年後被派往驻莫斯科大使馆工作. 2 ~sb (at/on sth) place ( a soldier, etc) at his post2(2) 布置(士兵等)站岗
We posted sentries (at the gates). 我们(在大门口)设了岗哨. post n 1 (also esp US mail) (a) [C, U] letters, parcels, etc; correspondence 信件、 包裹等; 邮件
There was a big post/a lot of post this morning. 今早邮件很多.
He´s dealing with his post at the moment. 他此刻正在处理信件. (b) [U] official transport and delivery of these 邮政; 邮递
send sth by post 邮寄某物
The parcel was damaged in the post. 包裹在邮寄中损坏了. (c) [C] any of the regular collections (esp from a post-box) or deliveries (eg to a house) of letters, etc 信件等的定时收集(尤指自邮筒中)或投递(如入户)
catch/miss (ie be in time/too late for) the 2 o´clock post 赶上[错过]两点钟的邮局收信时间
The parcel came in this morning´s post, ie by this morning´s delivery. 包裹是今早邮来的. (d) the post [sing] post-box or post office 邮筒; 邮箱; 邮局
Please take these letters to the post. 请将这些信件投邮. (e) the Post [sing] = the post office. 2 [C] (a) (formerly) any of a number of men placed at stages along a route in order to ride to the next stage with letters, etc (旧时)驿站之间骑马传送信件等的人. (b) (formerly) cart, etc for carrying letters (旧时)运送信件的马车等, 驿车. 3 (idm 习语) by return post => return2. post v 1 (also esp US mail) (a) [Tn] put (a letter, etc) into a post-box or take it to a post office 投寄(信件等); 邮寄
Could you post this letter for me? 你替我把这封信寄出去行吗? (b) [Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) send (a letter, etc) to sb 将(信等)寄给某人
They will post me the tickets/post the tickets to me as soon as they receive my cheque. 他们收到我的支票後就立刻把票寄给我. 2 (a) [Tn] (in bookkeeping) enter (an item) in a ledger (簿记)将(帐目)登入分类帐
post export sales 把出口销售额登入分类帐. (b) [Tn.p] ~ sth up (in bookkeeping) bring (a ledger) up to date by transferring items from a day-book (簿记)把日记帐过入(分类帐)
post up a ledger 过入分类帐. 3 [Ipr] (formerly) travel by stages, using relays of horses (旧时)骑驿马递送
post from town to town 骑驿马到各城镇递送. 4 (idm 习语) keep sb posted keep sb informed of the latest developments, news, etc 使某人不断获悉最新发展情况、 消息等
He asked them to keep him posted about the sales of his book. 他要求他们把他著作的销售情况随时告诉他.





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