


n. 快乐, 愉快, 令人高兴的事, 娱乐, 希望
vt. (使)高兴
vi. (使)高兴
with pleasure
have the pleasure of
for pleasure
with the utmost pleasure


pleasure n 1 (a) [U] state or feeling of being happy or satisfied 愉快; 快乐; 高兴; 满足
a work of art that has given pleasure to millions of people 给上百万人带来乐趣的艺术品
It gives me great pleasure to welcome our speaker. 我很高兴去迎接我们的演讲人.
Has she gone to Paris on business or for pleasure (ie for work or for fun)? 她到巴黎是办公事还是游玩去了? (b) [C] thing that gives happiness or satisfaction 乐事; 快事
the pleasures of living in the country 乡居的乐趣
She has few pleasures left in life. 她生活中已没有什麽乐趣了.
It´s been a pleasure meeting you. 认识你是十分高兴的事.
`Thank you for doing that!´ `It´s a pleasure. ´ `多谢你做了那件事!'`不客气.'
Remembering the past was his only pleasure. 他唯一的乐趣是回忆往事. 2 [U] sensual enjoyment 感官的享受; 声色之乐; 肉体之乐(常指肉欲)
His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure. 他一生都在寻欢作乐. 3 [U] (fml 文) what a person wants; desire 意愿; 愿望
We await your pleasure. 我们听您的意思.
You are free to come and go at your pleasure, ie as you wish. 来去自由, 悉听尊便.
Is it your pleasure that I cancel the arrangements? 您的意思是否要我取消这些安排? 4 (idm 习语) have the pleasure of sth/doing sth (used to make polite requests, issue invitations, etc 用於客气的请求、 邀请等)
May I have the pleasure of this dance? 我可以邀请您跳这个舞吗?
(fml or joc 文或谑) Are we to have the pleasure of seeing you again? 我们是不是有福气再见到你? take (no/great) pleasure in sth/doing sth enjoy/not enjoy (doing) sth 以[不以](做)某事为乐; 喜欢[不喜欢](做)某事
She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering. 她似乎对我们的痛苦幸灾乐祸.
They take great pleasure in reminding us of our poverty. 他们特别喜欢向我们提到我们穷.
She took no pleasure in her work. 她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣.with `pleasure one is pleased to accept, agree, etc 愉快地接受、 同意等
`Will you join us?´ `Thank you, with pleasure.´ `你愿意和我们在一起吗?'`谢谢, 非常愿意.'
`May I borrow your car?´ `Yes, with pleasure. ´ `我可以借用你的汽车吗?'`可以, 很愿意借给你.'





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