


n. 薪资, 付款, 补偿
vt. 支付, 付清, 补偿, 偿还, 对...有利, 为...涂防水物
vi. 付款, 付出代价, 偿还, 得到报应, 获得好处
【化】 工资
pay in advance
pay by instalments
pay on delivery
pay in kind
in the pay of
pay as you go
pay sb back blow for blow
pay down
pay for
pay home
pay off
pay sb off
pay sth out
pay the debt of nature
pay one's debt to nature
pay up
pay a visit
pay a compliment
pay one's respects
pay one's way
pay attention to
pay sb to do sth


pay n[U] 1 money paid for regular work 工资; 薪金
an increase in pay/a pay increase 加薪
He doesn´t like the job, but the pay is good. 他不喜欢那工作, 但薪水很高.
(infml 口) What´s the pay like (ie How much are you paid) in your job? 你挣多少钱?
[attrib 作定语] pay negotiations 工资谈判. =>Usage at income 用法见 income. 2 (idm 习语) in the pay of sb/sth (derog 贬) employed by sb/sth, esp secretly 受雇於某人[某事物](尤指秘密工作)
a spy in the pay of the enemy 敌人收买的间谍. pay v (pt, pp paid) 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn,, Dn.n,] ~ (sb) (for sth); ~ sth (to sb) (for sth) give (sb) money (for goods, services, etc) 付钱给(某人)(作为货物、 服务等的费用)
My firm pays well, ie pays high wages. 我公司工酬优厚.
Are you paying in cash or by cheque? 你用现款还是用支票支付?
They tried to leave the restaurant without paying (for their meal). 他们不付饭钱就要溜走.
Her parents paid for her to go (ie paid the cost of her travel) to America.她去美国的旅费是父母给的.
Have you paid the milkman this week? 这星期给送奶人钱了吗?
pay sb by the hour/by the job 计时[计件]给某人付酬
How much did you pay for your house? 你买房花了多少钱?
We paid 50000 for our house. 我们买房花了5万英镑.
You haven´t paid me the money you owe me. 你欠我的钱还没还给我呢.
She paid a dealer 2000 for that car. 她用2千英镑从汽车行买的这辆汽车.
Have you paid that money to the bank yet? 你把那笔钱付给银行了吗?
You´re not paid to sit around doing nothing! 花钱雇你来可不是让你光坐著不干活的! (b) [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) give (what is owed); hand over the amount of sth 还; 偿还; 缴付
pay taxes, rates, rent, etc 纳税、 交地方税、 缴租
pay a bill, debt, fine, subscription, etc 付帐、 还债、 缴罚款、 交订费
He paid the terrorist a ransom of 50000 for his kidnapped son. 他为救出被绑架的儿子向恐怖分子交付了5万英镑的赎金.
Membership fees should be paid to the club secretary. 会费应交给俱乐部秘书. 2 (a) [I] (of a business, etc) be profitable (指商业等)有利可图, 有收益
The shop closed because it didn´t pay. 该店因不赚钱而关闭.
It´s difficult to make sheep farming pay here. 养羊业在这里难有收益. (b) [I, Tn] be advantageous or profitable to (sb) 对(某人)有利或有好处
Crime doesn´t pay. 犯罪是得不偿失的.
It would pay (you) to use an accountant. 雇会计划得来.
It pays to be honest with the taxman. 纳税诚实不吃亏. 3 (idm 习语) expenses paid => expense. give/pay lip-service to sth => lip-service (lip). he who ,pays the ,piper ,calls the `tune (saying 谚) the person who provides the money for sth should control how it is spent 花钱的人说话算数. pay attention (to sb/sth) listen carefully to sb/sth; take notice of sb/sth 仔细听某人说的话[某事物]; 注意某人[某事物]
Pay attention when I´m talking to you! 我跟你说话的时候, 你要留心听!
pay attention to one´s teacher 注意听老师讲课. pay sb a compliment/pay a compliment to sb praise sb about sth 就某事物夸奖某人. pay court to sb (becoming dated 渐旧) treat (esp a woman) with great respect or admiration in order to gain favour 向(尤指女人)献殷勤; 讨好; 求爱. pay `dividends produce benefits or advantages 产生效益; 得到好处
I suggest you take more exercise; I think you´ll find it pays dividends, ie it will make you fitter. 我建议你多运动, 多运动你就会觉得有好处. pay heed (to sb/sth) take careful notice of sb/sth; heed sb/sth 注意某人[某事物]
She paid no heed to our warnings. 她不把我们的警告放在心上. pay sb (back) in his own/the same `coin punish sb for treating one badly, by treating him in the same way 以其人之道还治其人之身. pay/settle an old score => old. pay the `penalty (for sth/doing sth) suffer because of wrongdoing, misfortune or an error 因过失、 不幸或缪误而受苦或受害
I´m paying the penalty for drinking too much last night; I´ve got a dreadful headache! 昨晚我酒喝得太多真是自讨苦吃, 现在头疼得很厉害! pay a/the `price (for sth) suffer a disadvantage or loss in return for sth one has gained 为所得付出代价
Our troops recaptured the city, but they paid a heavy price for it, ie many were killed. 我军收复了该市, 但为此付出了沉重代价. pay one´s re`spects (to sb) (fml 文) visit sb as a sign of respect for him 探望某人以示敬意; 拜访; 拜见
Please pay my respects to your mother. 请代我向伯母致意.
Hundreds came to pay their last respects to the dead president, eg by attending his funeral. 数以百计的人前来向总统遗体告别. pay through the `nose (for sth) (infml 口) pay too much or a lot of money for sth 为某事物花钱过多. pay (a) tribute to sb/sth express one´s admiration or respect for sb/sth 对某人[某事物]表示赞赏或敬意
His colleagues paid generous tributes to the outgoing president. 同事们纷纷向即将卸任的总裁致敬. pay sb/sth a visit visit sb/sth 访问某人; 参观某处. pay one´s/its `way (of a person, business, etc) support oneself/itself with money one/it has earned (指人)挣钱维持生活; (指企业)赢利维持营业. put `paid to sth (infml 口) stop or destroy sth 结束或毁掉某事物
Coming to work drunk put paid to her hopes of promotion. 她上班总是醉醺醺的, 把晋升的希望都失去了. rob Peter to pay Paul => rob. there´ll be the devil to pay => devil1. there will be/was hell to pay => hell. you ,pays your ,money and you ,takes your `choice (infml catchphrase 口, 警语) one should choose whatever alternative course of action, explanation etc, one wants, since any one is as good as any other 你花钱, 你挑选(谁都一样碰运气). 4 (phr v) pay sb back (sth); pay sth back return (money) to sb that one has borrowed from him 还(钱)给某人
Have you paid (me) back the money you owe me yet? 你向我借的钱还(给我)了吗?
I´ll pay you back next week. 我下星期还给你. pay sb back (for sth) punish sb or get one´s revenge 惩罚某人; 报复
I´ll pay him back for the trick he played on me. 他对我使坏, 我得治治他.





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