n. 通道, 通过, 移居, 航行, 一段, 走廊
vi. 通过, 经过, 航行, 横渡, 争吵
vt. (使)马以斜横步前进, 使传代
【化】 通道
【医】 道, 通道; 通过, 继代移植; 排出
【经】 航线, 通路, 航行
passage n 1 [U] (a) process of passing 过; 经过
the passage of time 时间的推移. (b) action of going past, through or across sth 通过; 穿过; 横过
The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行. (c) freedom or right to go through or across sth 通行权; 通行自由
They were denied passage through the occupied territory. 他们被禁止穿越占领区. 2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] way through sth 通路; 通道
force a passage through the crowd 在人群中挤出一条通路. 3[C] (cost of a ticket for a) journey from one place to another by ship or plane; voyage (乘船或飞机的)航程, 旅行, 旅费
book one´s passage to New York 订购去纽约的票
He worked his passage to Australia, eg paid for the journey by doing jobs on the ship he was travelling on. 他在去澳大利亚旅行的船上做工偿付船费. 4 (also `passageway) [C] narrow way through sth, esp with walls on both sides; corridor 通道; (尤指)走廊. 5 [C] tube-like structure in the human body, through which air, secretions, etc pass (人体内的)管道(如气管、 分泌管道等)
the nasal passages 鼻腔通道
(infml 口) the back passage, ie the anus 肛门. 6 [C] short section from a book, speech, piece of music, etc quoted or considered on its own (书、 讲话、 音乐等的)一段, 一节
a passage from the Bible 《圣经》的一段经文. 7 [U] passing of a bill1(4) by a parliament so that it becomes law (法案的)通过.
n. 通道, 通过, 移居, 航行, 一段, 走廊
vi. 通过, 经过, 航行, 横渡, 争吵
vt. (使)马以斜横步前进, 使传代
【化】 通道
【医】 道, 通道; 通过, 继代移植; 排出
【经】 航线, 通路, 航行
passage n 1 [U] (a) process of passing 过; 经过
the passage of time 时间的推移. (b) action of going past, through or across sth 通过; 穿过; 横过
The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行. (c) freedom or right to go through or across sth 通行权; 通行自由
They were denied passage through the occupied territory. 他们被禁止穿越占领区. 2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] way through sth 通路; 通道
force a passage through the crowd 在人群中挤出一条通路. 3[C] (cost of a ticket for a) journey from one place to another by ship or plane; voyage (乘船或飞机的)航程, 旅行, 旅费
book one´s passage to New York 订购去纽约的票
He worked his passage to Australia, eg paid for the journey by doing jobs on the ship he was travelling on. 他在去澳大利亚旅行的船上做工偿付船费. 4 (also `passageway) [C] narrow way through sth, esp with walls on both sides; corridor 通道; (尤指)走廊. 5 [C] tube-like structure in the human body, through which air, secretions, etc pass (人体内的)管道(如气管、 分泌管道等)
the nasal passages 鼻腔通道
(infml 口) the back passage, ie the anus 肛门. 6 [C] short section from a book, speech, piece of music, etc quoted or considered on its own (书、 讲话、 音乐等的)一段, 一节
a passage from the Bible 《圣经》的一段经文. 7 [U] passing of a bill1(4) by a parliament so that it becomes law (法案的)通过.