


n. 手臂, 袖子, 狭长港湾, 武器
vt. 武装, 装备
vi. 武装起来
【计】 异步应答方式; 自动货品销路管理
【医】 臂
to keep sb at arm's length
arm in arm
by the strong arm
to chance one's arm
to make a long arm
to put the arm on sb
to talk sb's arm off
to twist sb's arm
to arm one's mind with...


arm n 1 either of the two upper limbs of the human body, from the shoulder to the hand 上肢(肩到手的部分); 手臂
She held the baby in her arms. 她抱著那个婴儿.
He gave her his arm (ie let her hold it for support) as they crossed the road. 他们横过马路的时候, 他向她伸出手臂(使她挽住).
She was carrying a book under her arm, ie between her arm and her body. 她腋下挟著一本书.
He rushed into her arms, ie to be embraced by her. 他投入她的怀抱中. =>illus at human 见human之插图. 2 sleeve 袖子: There´s a tear in the arm of my jacket. 我上衣袖子上有个破口. 3 thing that is shaped like or operates like an arm 臂状物
the arms of a chair, ie parts on which the arms can rest 椅子的扶手
an arm of the sea, ie a long inlet 海湾
an arm of a tree, ie a large branch 大树枝
the (pick-up) arm of a record-player 电唱头(拾音器)臂. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xvi. 4 (idm 习语) ,arm in `arm (of two people) with the arm of one linked with the arm of the other (指两人)挎著胳膊, 臂挽著臂
strolling happily arm in arm 臂挽著臂愉快地散步. =>illus 见插图. the (long) arm of the `law (extent of) the authority or power of the law 法律的权威或力量(的限度)
He fled to Brazil trying to escape the long arm of the law. 他逃到巴西, 企图逃避恢恢法网. at arm´s `length with the arm fully extended away from the body 以一臂之距
holding one´s hand out at arm´s length 伸直手臂. a babe in arms => babe. chance one´s arm => chance2. fold one´s arms => fold1. fold sb/sth in one´s arms => fold1. have a long arm => long1. keep sb at arm´s length not allow oneself to become too friendly with sb 与某人保持距离; 不使自己太亲近某人. a shot in the arm => shot1. twist sb´s arm => twist. with arms akimbo with one´s hands on one´s hips and one´s elbows pointed outwards 双手叉著腰. =>illus 见插图. with open `arms => open1. arm n branch or division of a country´s military forces 兵种
troops supported by the air arm 有空军支援的部队. arm v 1 [I, Tn,] ~ oneself/sb (with sth) supply or equip oneself/sb with weapons; prepare for war or fighting 供给自己[某人]武器; 武装; 装备; 备战
The enemy is arming. 敌人正在备战.
The mob armed themselves with sticks and stones. 暴乱的群众用棍子和石块作武器.
Police say the man is armed and dangerous. 警方称该男子携有武器, 十分危险.
warships armed with nuclear weapons 有核武器装备的军舰
(fig 比喻) She arrived at the interview armed with lists of statistics. 她带著统计资料前往面试. 2 [Tn] make (a bomb, etc) ready to explode 使(炸弹等)准备爆炸. 3 (idm 习语) ,armed to the `teeth having many weapons 武装到牙齿(全副武装).





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