opening to lesser sac opening to lesser sac怎么读,什么意思。网膜孔,温斯娄氏孔... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 260 【医】 网膜孔, 温斯娄氏孔在线英汉词典
opening n.开始,口子,穴,揭幕a.开...access(ing) opening 检修孔;检修口...slot opening 齿缝开度...wide opening,wide market 买价和卖价出现不正常的大差距的...quick-opening valve 速启阀...opening a crossing 取消(支票)划线...air opening 风洞...vertical feed opening 垂直进料口...eye-opening a.使瞠目吃惊的,使人开眼界的...quick-opening manhole 快开人孔...time opening 定时断开;定时开启...weld root opening 焊缝根部间隙...opening quotation 开市行情,开市价,开盘...saphenous opening 卵圆窝(大隐静脉孔)...nozzle opening 接管开孔...application for opening letter of credit 开发信用证申请书...quick opening manhole 快开人孔...anodal opening tetanus 阳极断电强直...opening as account 开户,开立帐户...burner opening 燃烧器口...birth opening 产孔...