one n.一(个)pron.一,任何...hang up one's fiddle when one comes home 在外谈笑风生在家死气沉沉...hang one on 向...猛击一拳,大醉 一-二-三(牙科用局部麻醉剂) a.连衣裙的,(衣服)上下身连...a hundred and one 许多...carry fire in one hand and water in the other 施展两面派手法 sth in one swallow 把某物一口吞下...last-one-lose 最后者输...n-plus-one-address n加1地址指令...on the one hand...on the other hand 一方面...,另一方面......three-in-one n.三结合,三位一体三结合,三 distribution "0-1"分布...kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕...a thousand to one 千对一,几乎绝对的...Abstract Syntax Notation One 抽象语法表示法/ cock 单向阀门...all one to 对...来说都一样...a thousand and one 一千零一,许许多多...a nasty one 责骂,使人一蹶不振的打击...have one foot in the grave 风烛残年...