office hunter
office hunter怎么读,什么意思。谋求官职的人...
标签: office hunter,用法,音标,短语
- office n.办公室,部,公职,职责办公...
- lack-in-office n.求官职的人...
- post office 邮局邮局...
- lacal central office 本地中心局...
- job office 工务处,工作场所...
- lost property office 失物招领处...
- a Jack in office 自命不凡的小官...
- stamp-office n.印花税务局印花税务局...
- office-clerk 职员,办事员...
- registered office 注册办公所在地,法定总公司办公...
- avoidance of office 职位的空缺...
- Jack-in-office n.自命不凡的小官吏...
- port commissioner's office 港务局...
- vacate office 提出辞职,提出辞呈...
- customs office 海关...
- back office 事务部门,后勤部门...
- office-copy 文书,复本,公文...
- accounting for branch office 支店会计,分公司会计...
- oath of office 就职宣誓...
- office-bearer n.官员公务员,机员...
- office-holder 公务员,机员,工作人员...