monthly salary 月薪...monthly schedule of fixed charges 固定费用月份明细表...monthly allowance 按月津贴,月份津贴...average monthly wage 月平均工资...monthly n.月刊a.每月的,每月一次的...sales on monthly installment 按月分期付款销售(货)...monthly profit and loss statement 月度损益表...monthly closing entries 月终结帐记录(分录)...monthly production report 生产月报...render monthly statement of sales 每开列销售清单...monthly profit and loss accounting 月份损益计算...monthly cost report 成本月报...monthly bulletin 月份公报...monthly pay 月薪,月俸...monthly shipment 每月运输...monthly allotments 按月分配数,月份分摊数...monthly accounting 月度决算,月末决算...monthly balance 月份余额...monthly revolving credit 按月循环信用状...monthly sales 月份销售情况...monthly delivery 每月交货量...