


n. 块, 大多数, 质量, 大量, 群众, 弥撒
a. 群众的, 大规模的, 整个的
vt. 使集合, 集中
vi. 聚集
【化】 质量
【医】 质, 物质, 块, 丸块, 团, 质量
【经】 大量, 集体, 群众
in the mass
be a mass of


Mass (also mass), n 1 [C, U] celebration of Christ´s Last Supper, esp in the Roman Catholic Church 弥撒: go to Mass 望弥撒
hear Mass 听弥撒 * High Mass, ie with incense, music and much ceremony 大弥撒(包括烧香、 奏乐和许多仪式)
The priest says two Masses each day. 那牧师每天作两次弥撒. 2 [C] musical setting for this 弥撒曲
Beethoven´s Mass in D 贝多芬的D大调弥撒曲. mass n 1 [C] ~ (of sth) (a) quantity of matter without a regular shape 团; 块; 堆
There were masses of dark clouds in the sky. 天上有朵朵乌云.
The flowers made a mass of colour against the stone wall. 以石墙衬托著的花朵五彩缤纷.
A mass of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers. 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上. (b) large number 大量; 大批; 众多
a mass of spectators 大批观众
She elbowed her way through the masses of tourists. 她用胳膊肘开路从游客中挤了过去.
(infml 口) I got masses of cards on my birthday. 我生日的那天收到了很多贺卡. 2 [attrib 作定语] involving/of a large number of people 群众的; 人数极多的: mass education 群众教育
a mass meeting, walk-out, audience 群众大会、 大批退席、 广大听众
mass murder/a mass murderer 大屠杀[大屠杀的刽子手]. 3 [U] (physics 物) quantity of matter in a body, measured by its resistance to acceleration by a force (ie its inertia) (物体的)质量(即其惯性的大小). => App 11 见附录11. 4 the masses [pl] ordinary working-class people, esp as seen by political leaders or thinkers 劳动者阶层(尤指政治领导人或思想家所指的劳动群众)
a revolutionary who urged the masses to overthrow the government 鼓动群众推翻政府的革命者. 5 [sing] the ~ of the majority of (people) 大多数的(人)
The mass of workers do not want this strike. 大多数工人不愿举行这次罢工. 6 (idm 习语) be a mass of sth be full of or covered with sth 充满; 布满
The garden was a mass of colour. 花园里的景色五彩缤纷.
His face was a mass of bruises after the fight. 他打完架後脸上青一块紫一块的. in the `mass (fml 文) as a whole 总体上; 总的说来
She says she doesn´t like children in the mass. 她说从总体上讲她不喜欢孩子. mass, v [I, Ipr, Tn,] assemble/gather (sb/sth) into a mass 集结, 集合(某人[某物])
clouds massing on the horizon 地平线处积聚的云彩
The general massed his troops for a final attack. 该将军把部队集结起来发动最後的攻击.
the massed pipes and bands of several regiments 从几个团集合起来的管乐器和管乐队.





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