world export prices indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods 初级产品和制成品世界出口价格指...vender-manufactured software 厂家提供的软件...statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured 制成品预定成本计算表...unit value index of world exports of manufactured goods 世界制成品出口单位价值指数...order for products and parts manufactured for stock 储备用产品及零部件定单...manufactured article 制品...schedule of cost of goods manufactured 制成品成本明细表...ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets 制成品成本对固定资产的比率...statement of the cost of goods manufactured 制成品成本计算表...ratio of cost of goods manufactured and sold to net sales 商品产销成本对销售净额的比率...cost of goods manufactured 制成品成本...manufactured inventories 制成品存货库存制成品...manufactured products 制成品,工业产品...cost of goods manufactured and sold 制销商品成本...cost of goods manufactured budget 制成品成本预算...materials manufactured for own use 自制自用材料...manufactured parts 自制部件,生产零件...manufactured goods 制成品...projected cost of goods manufactured 制成品预计成本...precision manufactured 精密制造...