loose the maiden zone of
loose the maiden zone of怎么读,什么意思。破坏...的童贞...
标签: loose the maiden zone of,用法,音标,短语
- loose n.发射,放任,放纵a.宽松的...
- a loose fish 放荡不羁者...
- lapped(loose)joint 松套连接...
- loose stool 稀粪...
- loose-leaf accounting book 活页帐簿...
- loose-fitting a.配上去稍大的...
- loose-leaf a.各页可任意装拆的,活页似的...
- lead a loose life 过荒淫生活...
- loose-flowing a.缓缓流着的,轻轻飘着的...
- turn loose 释放,放纵,发射,开火,无拘束...
- set loose 释放,放出...
- loose filler 疏松填料...
- loose shoulder 松弛肩...
- loose-jointed a.关节松弛的,自由行动的...
- loose fit 松配合...
- have a loose tongue 惯于随口乱讲,饶舌...
- loose pattern 松件模型...
- ride with a loose rein 放松缰绳,放任...
- loose-leaf binders 活页帐夹...
- cut loose 摆脱...
- let loose the sluices 打开闸门让水奔流,打开话匣子,...