


a. 长的, 长久的, 冗长的, 做多头的
vi. 渴望, 热望, 极想
ad. 长久, 始终
n. 长时间, 长信号, 长整型
【计】 长, 长整型
【经】 长期的, 远期的
long since
so long as
not by a long chalk
the long and the short of it
a long shot gamble
long for
in the long run
so long
all day long
all night long
as long as
before long
for long
long after
long before
long ago
long long ago


long adj (-er , -est /-NgIst; -NgIst/) 1 having a great or specified extent in space (空间上)长的
How long is the River Nile? 尼罗河有多长?
Your hair is longer than mine. 你的头发比我的长.
Is it a long way (ie far) to your house? 到你家远吗?
These trousers are two inches too long. 这条裤子长出两英寸. Cf 参看 short1 1. 2 having a great or specified duration or extent in time (时间上)长的
He´s been ill for a long time. 他病了很长时间了.
How long are the holidays? 假期有多长?
They´re six weeks long. 有六周之久.
Don´t be too long about it, ie Do it soonor quickly. 时间别太长(早做或快做). =>Usage at long3用法见long3. 3 (phonetics 语音) (of vowel sounds) taking relatively more time to utter than the correspondingshort vowel sound (指元音)长音的
The vowel sound in `caught´ is long; in `cot´ it is short. caught中的元音是长元音; cot中的是短元音. 4 seeming to be longer than it really is 似乎比实际为长的; 漫长的
ten long years, miles, etc 漫长的十年、 十英里等. 5 (of memory) able to recall events distant in time (指记忆)能回忆久远的. 6 (idm 习语) at the `longest not longer than the specified time (时间上)至多, 最长
He´s only away for short periods a week at the longest. 他只是短期外出--至多一周. go `far/go a long `way become very successful 很成功
That girl will go a long way, I´m sure. 我相信那姑娘很有前途. go far/go a long way towards doing sth make a considerable contribution towards sth 对某事物大有裨益
concessions which go a long way towards satisfying his critics 对批评他的人起缓解作用的让步
The new legislation does not go far enough towards solving the problem. 新的法规对解决该问题并无多大帮助. go a long way (a) (of money, food, etc) last a long time (指钱、 食物等)用很长时间, 经花, 经用
She makes a little money go a long way, ie buys many things by careful spending. 她用很少的钱能买很多东西.
A little of this paint goes a long way, ie covers a large area. 这种颜料用一点可以涂一片. (b) be as much as one can bear 叫人受不了
A little of his company goes a long way, ie One can tolerate his company for a short time only. 跟他呆上一会儿就叫人受不了. happy as the day is long => happy. have come a long way have made much progress 大有进步
We´ve come a long way since those early days of the project. 这项工作开始以来我们已取得很大进展. have a long `arm be able to make one´s power or authority felt even at a distance 有深远的势力或影响力. in long/short pants => pants. in the `long run ultimately; eventually 从长远看; 终究; 最後
In the long run pricesare bound to rise. 从长远看, 物价肯定要涨. in the long/ short term => term. it´s as broad as it´s long => broad1. (put on, have, wear, etc) a long `face sad expression 拉长脸; 哭丧著脸; 愁眉苦脸. a long `haul long and difficult activity, etc 持久而艰苦的活动等
It´s been a long haul but at last this dictionary is published. 经过千辛万苦这部词典才终於得以问世. a `long shot wild guess or attempt 瞎猜; 姑妄一试. ,long in the `tooth (joc 谑) rather old 年齿渐长; 颇老
He´s getting a bit long in the tooth to be playing football. 他踢足球未免年齿过长了. long time no `see (infml 口) (used as a greeting 用作招呼语) it´s a long time since we last met 好久没见了. not by a `long chalk; Brit not by a `long shot not at all 完全不; 绝不
We´re not beaten yet, (not) by a long chalk. 我们还没有败, 远远没败. take a long (cool/hard) `look at sth consider a possibility, problem, etc carefully and at length 谨慎仔细考虑(可能性、 问题等). take the `long view consider events, effects, factors, etc a long time in the future, rather than the immediate situation 从长远考虑事情、 效果、 因素等. to cut a long story short to get to the point of what one is saying quickly 长话短说; 简而言之; 总之. long n 1 [U] long time or interval (used esp as in the expressions shown) 长时间, 长间歇(尤用於以下示例)
This won´t take long. 这要不了多久.
Will you be away for long? 你要离开很长时间吗?
I hope to write to you before long. 我希望不久就能给你写信. =>Usage at long3 用法见long3. 2 [C] long signal (eg in Morse code); long vowel or syllable (esp in Latin verse) 长信号(如摩尔斯电码); 长元音或长音节(尤指拉丁诗文中)
a long and two shorts 一长两短. 3 (idm 习语) the ,long and (the) `short of it all that need be said about it; the general effect or result of it 总的意思; 总的结果. long adv (-er , -est /-NgIst; -NgIst/) 1 for a long time 长久; 长期地
Were you in Rome long? 你在罗马呆的时间长吗?
Stay as long as you like. 你愿停留多久皆可.
long into the next century 下一个世纪之後很久
I shan´t be long, ie will come, go, etc soon. 我用不了很长时间(就来、 就去等). 2 at a time distant from a specified point of time (used esp in the expressions shown) (距某一时间)很久地(尤用於以下示例)
long ago/before/after/since 很久以前[之前很久/之後很久/很久以来]
He died not long (ie soon) after (that). (那之後)不久他就死了. =>Usage at recent 用法见recent. 3 (with ns indicating duration 与表示延续的名词连用) throughout the specified time 贯穿某时间: all day long 整天
I´ve waited for this moment my whole life long. 我一生都在等待这个时刻. 4 (idm 习语) as/so long as (used as a conj 用作连词) (a) on condition that; provided that 只要; 如果
As long as it doesn´t rain we can play. 只要不下雨, 我们就能玩. (b) (US) since; inasmuch as 既然; 由於. be not long for this world be likely to die soon 行将谢世; 历日无多. no/any/much `longer after a certain point in time 不再; 已不
I can´t wait any/much longer. 我不能再等了.
He no longer lives here. 他已不住在这里. he who laughs last laughs longest => laugh. so long (dated infml 旧, 口) goodbye 再见. long, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Both long and a long time are used as adverbial expressions of time. *long和a long time都用作表示时间的状语. 1 Long is not used in positive sentences unless it is modified by another adverb, eg too, enough, ago *long只在受另一副词如too、 enough、 ago修饰时才用於肯定句
You´ve been sleeping too long/long enough. 你睡得太久了[你睡的时间够长了].
She waited there (for) a long time. 她在那里等了很长时间. 2 Both can be used in questions 这两者均可用於疑问句
Have you been here long/a long time? 你在这里呆了很久[很长时间]了吗? 3 In negative sentences there can be a difference in meaning. 在否定句中二者意义有别. Compare 试比较
I haven´t been here for a long time (ie It is a long time since I was last here) and I haven´t been here long (ie I arrived here only a short time ago). `我已很久没到这里来了(即离上次我来此已很长时间了)'和`我到这里没多久(即我刚到不久)'. long v [Ipr, It] ~ for sth/~ (for sb) to do sth have an intense desire for sth; want sth very much (对某事物)渴望; 非常想有某事物
The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假.
a (much) longed-for rest 巴望著(已久)的休息
She longed for him to ask her to dance. 她巴不得他邀请自己跳舞.
I´m longing to see you again. 我盼望再见到你. long, abbr 缩写 = longitude
long 23E/W, ie East/West 东[西]经23. Cf 参看 lat.





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