


n. 锁, 刹车, 水闸, 一缕头发
vt. 锁, 锁上, 拘禁, 隐藏, (用锁等)拴住, 刹住
vi. 锁住, (齿轮等)啮合, (船)过闸
【医】 锁, 阻, 固定
under lock and key
lock a secret in one's heart
lock oneself in
lock sth away
lock stock and barrel


lock n 1 [C] portion of hair that hangs or lies together 一绺或一缕毛发
He kept a lock of her hair as a memento. 他保留著她的一束头发作纪念. 2 locks [pl] (esp rhet or joc 尤作修辞或作戏谑语) hair of the head 头发
He gazed ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks. 他凝视著镜中自己日见花白的头发, 感慨岁月不待人. lock n 1 [C] device for fastening a door, lid, etc, with a bolt that needs a key to work it 锁. 2 [C] section of a canal or river where the water level changes, enclosed by gates fitted with sluices so that water can be let in or out to raise or lower boats from one level to another (河流的)船闸, 水闸. 3 [C] (in wrestling) hold that keeps an opponent´s arm, leg, etc from moving (摔交中的)抱, 夹(对於对方的臂、 腿等)
have sb´s arm in a lock 夹住某人的胳膊. 4 [U] condition in which parts are jammed or fixed together so that movement is impossible 塞住、 卡住的状态. 5 [U] (maximum extent of the) turning of a motor vehicle´s front wheels by use of the steering-wheel (机动车方向盘旋转时)前轮转向(的最大程度)
on full lock, ie with the steering-wheel turned as far as it will go one way or the other 前轮最大限度转向(方向盘转到头)
My car has a good lock, ie can turn within a short distance. 我的汽车前轮转向很好(转弯用地小). 6 [C] mechanism for exploding the charge in a gun 枪机. 7 (idm 习语) ,lock, stock and `barrel including everything; completely 全部; 完全. (keep sth/put sth/be) under ,lock and `key locked up 锁起
The criminals are now safely under lock and key. 这些罪犯现在都已经牢牢关押起来. lock v 1 (a) [Tn] fasten (a door, lid, etc) with a lock 锁(门、 盖等)
Is the gate locked? 大门锁了吗? (b) [Tn] make (a house, box, etc) secure in this way 锁住, 锁牢(房子、 箱子等)
Be sure to lock your bicycle. 自行车务必上锁. (c) [I] be able to be fastened or secured with a lock 能锁
This suitcase doesn´t lock, ie has no lock or has a lock that is broken. 这衣箱不能锁(无锁或锁已坏). =>Usage at close4 用法见close4. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth/sb) (in/into sth); ~ (sb/sth) (together) (cause sb/sth to) become rigidly fixed; jam (使某人[某事物])卡住, 挤住
The brakes locked, causing the car to skid. 汽车因车轮刹住而打滑.
The pieces of the puzzle lock into each other/lock together, ie interlock. 拼图各块拼合时都卡在一起.
(fig 比喻) two nations locked in mortal combat, ie at war 处於殊死战斗中的两国
two lovers locked in each other´s arms, ie embracing 拥抱著的一对情侣. 3 (idm 习语) lock, etc the stable door after the horse has bolted => stable2. 4 (phr v) lock sth away store sth securely and safely 将某物妥善锁起
lock away one´s jewellery 把珠宝锁好. lock onto sth (of a missile, etc) automatically find and follow (a target) (指导弹等)追踪(目标). lock sb/oneself out (of sth)/in prevent sb/oneself from entering or leaving by locking a door, etc (intentionally or unintentionally) (有意或无意地)将某人[自己]锁於某处不得进出
At 9 pm the prisoners are locked in for the night. 晚9时把犯人锁进牢房过夜.
I´ve lost my key and I´m locked out! 我丢了钥匙, 进不去了!
lock oneself out of the house 把自己锁在门外. lock (sth) up make (a house, etc) secure by locking the doors and windows 上锁(锁好门窗)
Don´t forget to lock up before leaving home. 离家之前别忘上锁. lock sb up put sb in prison, a mental institution, etc 将某人监禁起来或送进精神病院等. lock sth up (a) = lock sth away. (b) invest (money) so that it cannot easily be converted into cash 将(资本)搁死
All their capital is locked up in land. 他们把全部资金都搁死在地产投资上了.





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